Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

I really need to discuss the quail idea more with my husband. I had hoped to raise them for our use only.we have talked it over some, but I think I may have a problem with getting him to process them when it needs done. So I think before we build any pens for such I will see how he feels on the matter. wish we could go see some together but with our schedule for the next two weeks it would be aug. 2nd before we could. adulthood so fun.

QuaiI are the easiest to process, and once you have done the first few, it becomes "matter of fact". It took me a bit of watching you tube, talking to others that raise quail. Its a scaled down version of processing chickens, much easier. It takes me about 5 minutes per bird. There is a thread/article right here on BYC, a little girl helps her mom process birds. Please guys, this is graphic so do not read if easily offended!

I do the processing here myself, from the hogs all the way down to quail. Its hard for me to do the killing in some cases, DH will shoot the hog for example. I can't pull the trigger, am so afraid I won't do it right and cause it pain. From that point on, I do the rest. I have learned to come to terms with processing birds myself. The whole reason I raise poultry and livestock is to feed my family SAFELY. I want to know what the birds eat, how they have been treated, and when the bad day comes, how they are killed, processed, etc.
I worked animal control several years, one of the things I saw was complaints on a specific butcher shop. Folks took in a pink pig, got back a processed black pig! Similar complaints with poultry, sheep, etc. This was more a concern for USDA/FDA or other federal inspectors, but I still had to take a report per my Sgt..Since then, I want to know what I am eating is safe, where it came from, how it was fed and treated.
Long story short, I will not let anyone else process our food. I know start to finish where our meat products came from! I have a hard time even eating out at restaurants anymore, if I do, its seafood.

I did a several birds at a time but would say it takes less then 5 minutes to do 5 birds at one time. Not counting wrapping, freezing, setup, & tear down.
Thank you for the info jchny2000, he has it in his head to dress them out like morning doves by just taking off the breast. so there is the issue. I didn't get to see your link yet, wifi not available at the moment. grr. I totally agree with the ride your own idea but he won't dress a chicken we have raised which is part if why we got them. so glad we didn't get a bull calve yet. he would probably name it Norman.

I enjoy nibbling the legs & wings. They slide right out of their skin. Then just nip the outer part of the wing, head, & bottom of the legs off. Sick your finger in & pull the guts out. Put it in the bowl & your done.
I so wish I could save posts!!! but nooooo I have to hunt and peck ti find ones to show him. mobile use grrrrr
Also I am finding there is a permit needed to raise Bob whites in Ohio, which my husband is determined we get. Praying he doesn't think of pheasants next, not enough room for them without a new coop.
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A new coop is on my list also. I just built a hoop coop that was fast, easy, & somewhat cheap. In getting ready to start another.

As far as saving post. Can't you just bookmark them?
we are just fishing a new coop build, 10x16. It is to be the last due to we are running out of space for more. we have two coops an 8x12 and the new one.I have not tried bookmarking. thanks, I need more coffee, sigh.
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