Could an egg get "stuck"?

10 pollos

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 11, 2009
I am very new at this. We have only had our chickens for a couple weeks. One of them layed an egg a couple of days ago, since then nothing, but she seems to separate herself from the others and there seems to be alot of "pulsing" movement around her bottom area. Could an egg be stuck in there?
Do a 'search' here on BYC under "eggbound" - very serious matter if that's what it is.....needs tending....JJ
To help folks help you, describe the diet of your birds and where you got them from (what do you know about their prior care,...), what their ages are etc. Is oyster shell available at all times?
You may have to give her a crushed Tums made liquid in a bit ofwater...
I got home last night and she looked terrible. She was panting and her bottom was "pulsing"I did everything I read. Gave her tums, sat her in a warm bath, put mineral oil around her vent(that was wierd)
and finally sat her on a warm water bottle. This morning she was running around just fine, but no egg.
Sometimes birds can get post-egg laying paralysis. During laying, a nerve may get pinched between the shell of the egg and the inside of the pelvis. It'll cause some abdominal pain and can make it hard for the hen to walk or straighten out the toes. The amount of leg problems varies, as well as how long the symptoms will last.

I'm thinking that may be what happened to your hen since there was no egg passed and she looks fine.

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