Could I incubate them in my Oven?

the heating pad method is usually too hot, but that can be fixed with this

you can spend 40+ dollars on a rheostat, which is unreliable or you can buy one of these which works better for less than 7$

i've tried it on one of my home-made incubator designs and it worked well for me. 90% hatch rate, temp hovered between 99.4-100.2 F. i learned this from people who keep reptiles, they use it with a heating pad and it works for them.
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my friend was storing some eggs to give them to me to hacth and one day his mom forgot about it and she turned on the oven and it was very hot. I cracked the eggs and some where already formed! like they were in day 10 or so. So yes you can put them in there and they will hatch
My grandmother told me her mother used to hatch eggs in the oven all the time, that was years ago tho so who knows how the ovens worked back then. Does the temp stay at 110 even with the door on the oven cracked open a bit?
A "good ol' boy" told me that he had a neighbor that incubated with a heat lamp. She just set up a little nest, directed a lamp & monitored the temp.
Steff what I did when I had to stagger in the UglyBator was put the eggs that should be incubating (not hatching) in a plasitic zip lock container filled about 1/2 way +/- with white rice then topped it with a lid with holes in it. I figured the rice would help absorb any excess moisture, allow air and I could tip the darn thing to "turn" them without risk.

The humidity in there was lower and the eggs came through well and turning/tipping them in there was simple and the rice kept them from bumping or shifting.

All the eggs I treated that way were moving when they went in and came out. And the rice seemed to also act as an addition temp stabilizer for thermal mass, temps shifted even less than normal.

So that might be an option.

I HAVE to check my oven's breadproof setting after this thread
Not purposelessly reviving an old thread...

I have an old, electric wall oven (free), ordered an incubator thermostat and plan to knock together a frame, add insulation and wire the bulb to the thermostat. Will put bottles of water in it, as mass heat storage, and see what happens...

Thermostat is one of the 110/220 VAC universals from eBay...

figure to remove a heating coil; plug-up the thermostat, inside, at shelf height; use the terminals to connect the thermostat in-line with the bulb...

Jeff F.
Cedar Creek, Texas
Oven and light IS possible. I surround the chicken eggs with thermo- and humidity meters to make sure they are both right, use a table knife to make the door open a little bit (for air and for lowering temp), soak paper towels with warm water and lay them on the rack, put a tray of water underneath. Today is Day 23, I see one egg inner pipped in the morning (can't help candling it), hear the chick during the day, and at 9 pm see a pip on the shell!!! It is pecking and chirping now. I have another egg that developed and is taking longer.

I bought the dozen eggs on Craigslist. I wonder if most of them are infertile or not fresh. On Day 7 most didn't develop at all, not even veins. It might be the eggs it might be they didn't like the light.

The chick now is resting as I finish my report. I will give an update later.
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