could she be a he??

If they grew up together, it might be okay. I have 2 roos and 16 girls and they are happy together.

Are you allowed to have roosters in your area? I would hate to get rid of those pretty guys
They don't seem to mind each other. I have never seen them fighting with each other, or the girls. They seem very calm and sweet.
We are not allowed to have roosters where I live. But if they are about 4 months old and I am just noticing, then maybe no one will mind. There is also a woman who lives a few blocks away and she has a rooster. Says he's not a problem and the neighbors love him as he is keeping a stray cat away.
It would be nice if they could live together.
Think they maybe starting to molt since they had fuller tails. They are lovely and really want to keep them
Are you allowed to have hens? If you do get reported, I'm not sure if they would just ask you to remove the roosters or revoke your hens as well. I have no idea. My neighbours don't mind at all. Most even like the sound. Offer your neighbours fresh eggs when they start laying and they most likely won't report you. Hopefully you have nice neighbours like I do!
The hatchery will most likely give you credit on a future order. They guarantee 90% correct in sexing. You could try keeping them both. Most likely one will be dominant and keep the other one away from the hens.
thanks guys! we can have hens, but the roosters can be a noise problem. so if the neighbors complain then they, the roosters, have to go. So far my neighbors love my girls! they eat the bugs, provide entertainment and they get eggs and poo for the gardens.
My hubby only wants roo running around, so one has to go. If we cannot find a home, he will be dinner. unfortunate, but that's the way it is. the hard part is choosing who stays and who goes.

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