Could Tammy be a Timmy?! 😬

Good hatcheries do better sexing the chicks, although that's still no sure thing. Occasionally we've gotten unexpected cockerels ordering pullets only, although usually we order straight run, and hope to get a reasonable number of pullets.
Twice over many years the wrong breed was sent, and both hatcheries made good on the orders. Both times by sending more chicks, a mixed blessing.
I think we went the TSC route knowing it was a 50/50 shot with all of them.
This is my first dive into chickens since we moved to the country 2 years ago, but hatchery ordering might be something to try in the future!
I think that you'll have much more luck at a hatchery over a breeder or TSC, because TSC employees don't know what they're doing, and you can usually only get straight run chicks from breeders.
I can definitely see the advantage. I'm sure there's a list somewhere on here with the best hatcheries online?

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