Could this be a Roo?

My two who I suspect are roos are fairly distinctive and they're just over four weeks old. Their feather development is slower than the rest of the flock, their combs already larger than the rest of the chicks' combs, and they walk differently, more upright. From your pictures yours doesn't look like my two who I think are roos.
This is my buff orphington pullet, I got it 2 weeks ago so I'm guessing it is about 3 weeks old. I noticed it has a comb coming in already. Can that be a sign that this is a Roo?

Side note - if all the pics in this thread are the same chick, this is not a buff orpington - or were only the pictures in the very first post in this tread of the bird you think is a BO?
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Side note - if all the pics in this thread are the same chick, this is not a buff orpington - or were only the pictures in the very first post in this tread of the bird you think is a BO?
You know I kept wondering that, I always noticed how dark she was. I got her from a feed store and they had piles of chicks in trays. All of these are the same chick. Do you have any idea what she might be otherwise?
No, I think those are females, from my shortly experience, females most of the time grow the tail before the male ones. I have 5 weeks chicks and at least with mine I can tell the difference between males and females, I have 16, and I think I have about 4 which will be rooster...
Doesn't look like a boy to me, but I'm probably the last person to ask.

I have a naive question for everyone. Is the color of the bird in question appropriate for a BO? It looks pretty dark compared to pics that I have seen. Other than the light colored head fuzz it looks a lot like my red star.

Edit-Sorry I didn't realize there was a second page to this thread. Guess I'm not the only one thinking this bird was too dark.
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Checking again, this chicken's legs are not yellow like my red stars. Here are some updated pics. Male or female?

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