could this be merak's disease?


6 Years
Aug 21, 2013
HI, New to the thread here and really need some advice..I purchased some little red hens a year ago from a local farm, this year i purchased some jersey giants from an online chickens free range on fifteen acres and get grain and treats as well...recenlty i have had chickens getting sick and dying..they start out by standing around with their feather ruffled,, two have had gooshy crops, two have not,,all stop eating and walking and just starve to death even tho i bring them water and food they will peck at it but not eat..they are wormed every three months and given electrolytes and vitimins in their water once a month.

If this is meraks disease, what do i do about the rest of my flock?
Have you ever treated your flock for coccidiosis? The only way to dtermine whether or not you have Mareks is to have one of the dead birds necropsied. Do you have a state animal lab nearby that may offer that service?
I would probably treat for coccidiosis since you have had multiple deaths. Corid liquid (from the cattle aisle at the feed store) 2 teaspoonful per gallon of water given to all chickens for 5-7 days is the best treatment. Give no vitamins or vinegar in the water until after the treatment, then they should get those things plus some plain yogurt or probiotics to get the intestinal bacteria back to normal. Watch their crops to see that they always empty by morning, or you may be dealing with sour crop.
I treated for coccidiosis as chicks with sulmet...i have medicated chick starter out for them at ll times since i am no longer able to get the sulmet(back order)... i do have an animal lab about four hours from me.. i have seen the crid at my feed store but wasnt sure i couldnt give it to chickens since it said cows but will pick some up tomorrow..the little red hen died this afternoon, she wasnt near as sickly as the rooster but so far he is still hanging on..he did get up and move so he can wal he is just so weak he doesnt.
safegaurd paste. i wil get some corid tomorrow for the little rooster...checked alot of poop today comparing to the chart i found her on byc and they all looked normal.
i did not know that....should i treat everyone , my year old hens with my five month old hens? do i need to periodicaly treat them like a worming schedule?

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