Could this still be coccidiosis?

The directions are on the package. It goes in the water. You should treat all the chickens. I think it's for five days if I recall. I would treat regardless of how much better they are feeling. That way you'll be sure they won't relapse.
The directions are on the package. It goes in the water. You should treat all the chickens. I think it's for five days if I recall. I would treat regardless of how much better they are feeling. That way you'll be sure they won't relapse.
Thanks! Just wanted to make sure the dosing they had on the package was right for chickens as well! I’m definitely still going to treat with it! With her improving with the corid I now know that it’s a bad case of coccidiosis and the sulfa should finally get rid of it and any bacterial infection they have.
Just updating that Gracie is continuing to show improvements today. She’s running around and flapping outside. She has a big appetite (chased after mosquito eaters too), and is drinking plenty of water. I didn’t give her the direct dose of corid this morning because the sulfa antibiotics are arriving today and should be here around noon, so I’ll prepare the water as soon as they come! I’ll treat for the 5 days. Maybe I should give some vitamins after the treatment?
I started the sulfa antibiotics yesterday afternoon and the chicks have had their light on at night so they can eat and drink as they please and I’m happy to report that Gracie is doing absolutely fantastic today. She’s just as active as the other two now and she’s no longer sluggish. She’s had drooping wings for weeks and she’s finally holding them up more. Hoping she’ll put on some weight now too! I can’t thank you enough @azygous your help has truly saved her life!


I've been at this a long time, but I still marvel at how resilient these guys are. Just today, I had a year-old hen with coccidiosis, gave her a drench dose, and within a couple hours she had gone from inert to normal again, including getting her appetite back. Corid really works fast.

In my hen's case, I was mindful of coccidiosis since last week I hauled home fresh sand from the local gravel yard for the run. In the past, coccidia had hitchhiked in the new sand to make my flock sick. This yard keeps their sand pile ridiculously sopping wet, perfect conditions to grow coccidia. So the flock is sipping Corid now.
Today is the final day of the sulfa antibiotics and Gracie is acting 100% like a normal healthy chick should. She’s visibly stronger and can jump out of the box I use to transport them outside on her own, she couldn’t jump well at all before. I do notice she’s kind of stunted though? Definitely smaller in size than a 5 week old Ameraucana should be. Could coccidiosis cause stunted growth in chicks and will they eventually catch up again? Other than the size she’s perfectly healthy, happy, and active now.

She's looks great! She should catch up eventually. Be aware that chickens often take two years to reach full size, so be patient.
Glad that she should catch up eventually! It seems like the other two shot up in growth over the past week but she stayed relatively the same (she's also smaller than my other splash Ameraucana was at her age)! She's definitely not as skinny as she was a week ago though! Her keel bone protrudes a lot less now which is great!

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