Countdown to Baby Chicks 2023 edition

Not ordering, shopping at tsc tomorrow, hubby has caught the bug. Last chicks we had came from murray mcmurray, and I did ALL the work, looking forward to doing this together. Chik days starts Tuesday, I envision driving all over Eastern Shore looking for what we want, 4 production sex linked, although I would love a barred rock. We will see.
Well, won't be at TSC until at least Thursday, tested positive for covid!!!WAAAAAA
Not ordering, shopping at tsc tomorrow, hubby has caught the bug. Last chicks we had came from murray mcmurray, and I did ALL the work, looking forward to doing this together. Chik days starts Tuesday, I envision driving all over Eastern Shore looking for what we want, 4 production sex linked, although I would love a barred rock. We will see.
Ok, we will go after I get over covid.
My eggs should ship tomorrow. Then I should get them Thurs (or Fri, but praying Thurs since Fri I work then have a cheer competition for my daughter so not sure I have time to get to the P.O.). Then I will set them on Sat.
We feed wet mash (their feed just wet with water) on a small plate a few times. They LOVE it! Once they know what it is, we put it in our hand and one or two brave ones will come eat it, and sometimes even jump on your hand to get better access. If you have a side-door brooder (pet cage or cardboard box, cutting a drawbridge door in it works great), then they see the food and can run out the side to get it. I would then put a little scoop on my leg, and eventually they are crawling and hopping all over you! 😂 The more you do this, the friendlier they will be. There’s always a couple that hang back. Those would be the chicks I would sell. If I wanted a more self-reliant, free-range bird, trusting and cuddling would not be a good trait.

So excited! Have fun with them!
Great idea, hand feeding to enhance cuddle quality, I can't wait!
I just picked up my babies at the post office from My Pet Chicken… 3 barred rocks, 3 golden laced wyandottes, and 2 speckled Sussex. Everybody is thriving. Drank water, ate some food, and now they are under the brooder. My Boxer, Max loves them!
Love the dog!! My last Sheltie (so far) was around when I had my last chicks, I always told him "mine" when they were near each other, he would "stay" in the yard when the girls were out and guard them. Sure do miss that dog.
Not ordering, shopping at tsc tomorrow, hubby has caught the bug. Last chicks we had came from murray mcmurray, and I did ALL the work, looking forward to doing this together. Chik days starts Tuesday, I envision driving all over Eastern Shore looking for what we want, 4 production sex linked, although I would love a barred rock. We will see.
Still in recovery with covid, not as bad as last time, but when DH stayed in bed late today all I could think was " Hope he's not sick now too so we have to postpone getting those chicks!" I am a terrible wife.
Still in recovery with covid, not as bad as last time, but when DH stayed in bed late today all I could think was " Hope he's not sick now too so we have to postpone getting those chicks!" I am a terrible wife.
No, you're not terrible, you're just being realistic. Most men are big babies when they get sick. :cool:

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