Cover tree ideas for chickens (against predators & for foraging)


Dec 6, 2019
Good evening!

A first-time chicken keeper in MA here (zone 6). I'd like to grow something that would provide some sort of cover from hawks for the girls (we have one big tree but that's it, and a ton of english ivy, which I'm trying to eradicate).

Is there anything that would serve as both? Any cold-hardy fruit trees with edible leaves for chickens? I'm looking into grapes, but would love ideas. Our soil isn't great, but I will amend it with top soil and chicken manure before planting...

Thanks in advance!
Trees take a long time to grow/mature. It is good to plan things out well. Most peeps grow trees too close together, since the trees are small when planted.
If you are looking for cover protection, may I suggest you plant a variety of bushes of your choice. Go to a nursery in your area, and ask what is good in your ZONE. Low growing bushes provide much better protection from flying raptors than trees.
Do not look at the trees as a source of food/nutrition for your chickens. Your chickens much prefer the dandelions, and clover in your lawn to falling apple leaves.
Here is a picture of my chickens in backyard. The chickens do like to stay near the green growth in the background. They are out when I'm with them. When I leave, they generally go into that brush and hide somewhat. Those are Rose of Sharon trees/bushes. They have grown there more than 25 years already.

If you want something more INSTANT, but not permanent, grow corn in a designated plot. Chickens will like the cover of the foliage, as well as scratching thru in-between the corn stalks.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Good evening!

A first-time chicken keeper in MA here (zone 6). I'd like to grow something that would provide some sort of cover from hawks for the girls (we have one big tree but that's it, and a ton of english ivy, which I'm trying to eradicate).

Is there anything that would serve as both? Any cold-hardy fruit trees with edible leaves for chickens? I'm looking into grapes, but would love ideas. Our soil isn't great, but I will amend it with top soil and chicken manure before planting...

Thanks in advance!
Here’s my plan (zone 4)... the south side of my run is completely shadeless and my flock (black Jersey Giants) are prone to heat... so I’ve started a ‘chicken garden’ along the southern length of the run.

I have 2- St Croix grapes coming that I plan to train along that side... but they won’t mature for a year or two... so I also plan to plant climbing nasturtiums (chicken friendly... all of these plants are chicken friendly) many sunflowers, calendula, herbs, marigolds to give them some ‘annual’ shade until the perennials catch up. Although totally for the chickens, I’ll have to temporarily fence their garden off until the plants can withstand scratching.

We’ve planted young trees but it will take a while for them to mature enough to provide shade. Something else I am going to experiment with is planting a willow structure.
Will be cool if it works.

Let us know what you go with. Always interested in seeing other’s problem solving!
Thanks everyone for the replies! These are great options - I will have to do some more research into what will grow best in my yard. I like the idea of the nasturtiums "replacing" the ivy to an extent (similar look, pretty flowers, edible).

Noted on the bushes being better protection from aerial predators than trees. These girls still need more training on hawks - despite an attack attempt a month or so ago, there were two huge hawks circling the property today (I was supervising) and some of them just kept foraging!

First,,,,, :frow,,,,,, and :welcome
I had to look that one up,,,,, and sounds very interesting. :yesss: Further searching shows it as Zone 7 -10.
I would have considered getting one if it would grow in my area.:(

@cavemanrich: This website says their wax myrtle plant is zones 5-9, maybe worth looking into it!
@cavemanrich I love the growing corn idea!
I have a lot of wax myrtle in my chicken yard. I also have a (very poopy) wooden picnic table that they love to hide under.
Figs are great too. They provide lots of coverage in the spring through fall here. But the fruit!! They love it so much that they don't eat their feed. Also fallen fruit draws ants.🙄
If you're still looking for ideas, my flock's favorite places to hang out, especially when the buzzard is about, are in/under a parrotia persica (, elaeagnus varieties (, a camelia (, and a Mexican orange blossom ( - which also smells divine. The last 3 are evergreen, and grow quite quickly if your soil is half decent.

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