Cow poo in chooks mouth

Apr 13, 2021
So some cows got out of there area, done a few poos everywhere. Chooks went exploring in it, U know how they scrape there feet back and dig things up then peck, they did that in cow poo is that alright?
I think you should clean their beaks and keep them away from the cow poop. I don’t know much about this topic. But I think they’ll be fine if you keep them away.
They'll be fine. They'll also scratch through cow poo to find undigested seeds, etc. It's a smorgasbord for chickens.
I think you should clean their beaks and keep them away from the cow poop. I don’t know much about this topic. But I think they’ll be fine if you keep them away.
It's normal for chickens to pick through cow patties - in the olden days this was considered a benefit in pasturing cow and chickens together, or letting chickens into a cow pasture after the cows were rotated out.
It's normal for chickens to pick through cow patties - in the olden days this was considered a benefit in pasturing cow and chickens together, or letting chickens into a cow pasture after the cows were rotated out.

Like lots of things from the olden days, it's making a comeback. Regenerative agriculture practitioners like Joel Salatin leverage this approach. Some even add seeds that cows can't digest to their feed so they can pass through and make the manure even more attractive to the chickens.

One of the key thoughts is that the chickens break apart the manure patties and eat the fly larvae. That reduces future fly populations, gives the chickens a free meal, and by breaking and spreading the manure around speed up the decomp process and better fertilizes the pasture, which creates...more cow food.

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