Coyote getting closer...


Apr 27, 2020
Allentown, PA
I live in a suburban area of eastern PA. My four chickens have been outside about six weeks now with no problems so far. About ten years ago I saw a dead coyote (I think) in the road near my house. Other than that, never seen one but I assume they are around. Healthy deer, fox and rabbit population in the area. In the last week I have been finding the bones of fawn in my yard. I believe coyotes are in the yard at night and leaving them behind. Getting closer and closer to my coop. The chickens are contained - not free range even during the day. Run is enclosed with 1/2 inch hardware cloth including an 18 inch skirt all the way around. Thoughts or suggestions for me?
I can sympathize! We havent had any coyote issues but they are close! Inlaws are our neighbors about half a mile behind us.....they are more rural than us but not by much and they have 2 coyotes lurking in the field behind them!
We have a lot of coyotes in this area as well. I think you are wise to keep your chickens in an enclosed area for their protection. It sounds like your enclosure is sufficient but all things vigilance in keeping it secure is key. We have a cattle farm and coyotes are always a concern as they can be problematic. I no longer have sheep and goats because of them, nor do I have ducks anymore. We see and/or hear coyotes very often.
:welcome :frow I'm sure there are plenty around with all the natural prey there. Put up a game camera and you may be surprised. I was. Lots of predators roam here especially at night. These are some of my coops I do have electric wires around the coops and pens and the predators know it's there. Good luck and have fun...
Wow. I have been thinking about a game camera; I just love to watch animals so I'm sure I would be fascinated by anything/everything that would show up on there. Any suggestions for a good quality, easy to use, not too expensive brand or model?

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