coyotes or fox?


10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Noblesville, IN
I lost 2/3 of my flock to something that carried off the bodies. Nothing left, just circles of feathers. I'm talking a lot of birds too - 25 or more!! I originally thought coyotes as we have tons in the area, however a hunter friend of mine said a coyotes wouldn't carry off that many, that it was probably several foxes. That they carry off their food and bury it like a squirrel, then come back for more. This all happened in 1 night. I did awaken several nights ago (after the attack) to sounds of lots of coyotes, and my neighbors called at midnight last night thinking coyotes were in my coop (they weren't thank goodness) I guess it doesn't matter what it is, but I didn't know if trapping/killing was the same for both kinds of animals. My friend is going to set up a hunting camera soon, and kill the suckers!!
Hard to say. If you have a pack/family of coyotes, it is possible it was a joint effort. But foxes are definitely greater "stowers" than coyotes, and this time of the year they may be on the prowl with their mate. Did you find any tracks or other clues as to what species it might be (ie. size of hole in fencing/coop, etc.)?
Can foxes climb a 6 foot fence? I lost my favorite chicken today, it came in during the day and climbed the fence.

We spotted what I think was a fox here a couple weeks ago, and I saw it again this morning. Not big enough to be a coyote. (my dog alerted me to it) Sometime later in the day it got my favorite girl.
I googled it and Youtube has a video of a fox shimying up a 6 footer (or close) right up the wood post.

I lost 13 ducks to fox one night. They or it gathered all the birds and spread them out neatly on the hill and were going back for more but the hubby went outside and scared it off.

It also nabbed about 8 hens that same time. It was a massacre.

My guess is fox.

Coyote usually take one and go for the day
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I would surely bet its a pack of coyotes that are ravaging your coop or I could be wrong

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