coyotes or fox?

I was standing in the kitchen this morning and heard the chickens squawking loud - looked out to see a fox chasing Polly across the yard. I started yelling and banging on the door as I could not get the sticky lock to open. I ran out and it dropped her , ran off to the front and she ran up to me on the deck. I have the top of the run covered with netting but a bunch of it has ripped due to the harsh New England weather. I think it came up to the fence and scared them into flying over the fence. There was a second one out behind the coop.

I am in the process of planning out a new coop and run. I lock them in at night, I know I should bury a bunch of the fence to discourage digging. What else can be done to keep the foxes away?
I would have liked to have seen the animal tracks left by the creature who did it.
We had the same thing happen. 6 birds of 8 birds killed (we thought originally 7 were killed.)
Found one poor bird a week later severely injured hiding under a structure. Only one bird managed to escape entirely hiding in the laying boxes of the coop. It happened during the day. Not a sound was heard. One birds wing was found intact. Only small amounts of feathers left in spots across the property--which were scattered all over the place. We thought it must be coyotes in a pack. The paw prints were large. Today we took a walk and saw smaller animal prints on one side, and larger ones like the ones we saw that day on a different part of the property--but totally opposite parts of the property.
Here's a suggestion that worked wonders for us. I really did not expect these to work as well as they have for four years. Of course you must have electricity or solar power at the coop.
Scary Lights
The best way to get to the likely culpurt is to set up gamecam.Good chance the predator will be back again.Pics don't lie. Coyote caught in snare neaby may be a good indication of killer.Dogs, foxes or coyotes,set up a gamecam, and find out who the killer is...Good luck...
I vote fox! I just had a fox here in broad daylight! We actually saw it and scared it off. too late. It had already taken 2 chickens and was try toget the third thru the fence.
My neighbor's pitbull cleared our 6' chicken fence with a foot to spare--I watched him do it. And it was from a standing start!

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