Coyotes took 10 birds in broad daylight

I sure learning a lot reading all your posts ! I was thinking of a motion light but from what I read it's a waste of money ! I want to reinforce my duck house and I'm thinking hardware cloth dug into ground is best choice ! I'm still waiting for my house to arrive for my ducklings ! After I get that project accomplished then a run for the ducks
My land lords old chicken coup is held up so far and kept away all predators, but man it's so ugly and difficult to clean !
I sure learning a lot reading all your posts ! I was thinking of a motion light but from what I read it's a waste of money ! I want to reinforce my duck house and I'm thinking hardware cloth dug into ground is best choice ! I'm still waiting for my house to arrive for my ducklings ! After I get that project accomplished then a run for the ducks
My land lords old chicken coup is held up so far and kept away all predators, but man it's so ugly and difficult to clean !
Please note, "easy to clean" is relative. Relative like your kids are your relatives when they are in diapers. It's poo.

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