Crèvecoeur advice needed

One Lucky Momma

Chicken Kisser
Apr 25, 2020
Marshall, NC
We moved our little mixed flock (now almost 9 weeks old) into the coop/run about two weeks ago. The pop door into the coop is inside the barn, but the solar sensor that triggers operatoon is outside so the door opens and closes about when you’d expect it to.

There’s been a bit of a learning curve, but now everyone knows when and where to put themselves to bed with the exception of the two French sisters. Initially there would be 4 or 5 (out of 13) who would hang around outside waiting to be personally tucked in by yours truly, but now everyone goes up the ramp into the coop in plenty of time before the door closes, except for the Crèvecoeurs. They seem perfectly content to sit together on a stall railing that’s near the ramp into the coop. They do not seem particularly happy to have me relocate them.

Is this a breed trait? Can they be trained to go with their flock mates? I do love these birds with their curious and impertinent personalities. I’m not entirely surprised to be having this issue because even as tiny chicks they were noticeably independent compared to the others, but if they want to live to lay, sleeping outside the coop probably isn’t an option.

Thanks for any wisdom you can offer.

Not sure it's breed thing, some birds are just more independent than others.
IME it's the age more than anything.
How much roost length do you have?
Good ventilation?
Pics of coop, inside and out, might offer a clue.
Otherwise just keep moving them in, eventually they'll get with the program.
Thanks so much.

The coop is 6’x8’x 7’high with one window 22”x32” which stays open now (screened w hardware cloth), vents in eaves about 6”x length of coop, vents where corrugated roofing rests on the walls, all vents lined with hardware cloth. People door stays closed. It’s cozy but airy, smells good.

Approximately 16 feet of roost at three heights shared by 13 chooks.

They're “cooped up” for about 9 hours and then have free access to a run I’d describe as irregularly 40’x50’ and a jungle of tall grass and weeds and a gymnasium of big rocks.

I've wondered if it could be a matter of lighting - the coop is darker than the outdoors at the time the pop door closes. I hung some timered lights in the doorway and inside the coop to make it more inviting, and while that does seem to help (tonight just two birds outside and Crev’s were actually inside) the lights are battery powered thus not practical in the long run even if on just a few hours each evening.

I was encouraged by Crev’s being inside tonight; perhaps it’s not a breed issue at all. Maybe, as you said, I should just keep doing what I’m doing and eventually they’ll get it. And honestly, I very much enjoy tucking them in at bedtime!

l appreciate your time very much.
I've wondered if it could be a matter of lighting - the coop is darker than the outdoors at the time the pop door closes. I hung some timered lights in the doorway and inside the coop to make it more inviting, and while that does seem to help (tonight just two birds outside and Crev’s were actually inside) the lights are battery powered thus not practical in the long run even if on just a few hours each evening.
It is a light thing, might want more windows in there.
I've never need the battery light for more than a week before they start to 'get it'.

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