Cracked egg in the bator ***It's gone now, but more questions***

Happy Chooks

Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Jul 9, 2009
Northern CA
My Coop
My Coop
I have an egg that has a piece of shell broken off. The membrane is intact, but should I toss it?

When I candled it, I can see the crack on the pointy end. When I tip it to the chipped part, I see what looks like bubbles inside around the yolk.
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personally I would toss it. I had my first cracked egg go bad this last hatch. They smell was horrible and the mess. When I went to take it out it broke in the paper towel uck Then I had to clean up the mess as best I could I would toss it before it turns bad.
what day are your eggs on?
Is it too soon for the egg to be pipped?
If it is not a pipped egg, you may need to toss it. Since eggs are porous, all kinds of things can get in through the shell such as bacteria. Especially when there is a crack or chip. A cracked or chipped egg may also have trouble with air exchange and moisture, as well as bacteria.

If you candled the egg and it looks different from the others, it may also have already died.

If it has died, definately toss it.
Sometimes people melt wax on the crack. I've seen a couple of threads where it has worked and some where it hasn't. I would try the wax if it was an especially desirable egg and keep a really close eye on it. If it's a run-of-the-mill kind of egg I'd just toss it. Good luck witht the rest of your hatch!
Surgery performed and wax added.
And my DH says I have too many candles.

It's a good thing I checked cuz when I pulled it out, it was weeping more.
Ditto. If it's weeping it's beyond repair and probably going toxic.

Keep us updated on the rest of them. I LOVE hatching threads!!!
Alright, I removed it. Common sense told me to get rid of it, but it's so hard to actually take it out.

I opened the egg as I would have always wondered if I got rid of one that could make it. It didn't smell but there were a lot of bubbles inside. I guess from air getting in? It was developing, but there were also some brown stuff floating around in the egg whites. Do meat spots float in the whites?

Have you ever seen bubbles in your eggs that didn't make it? Was it going bad anyway, and I just caught it early?

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