Crafters unite

Wow! We're a busy bunch around here. I'm another one who goes from craft to craft. Some of them I stick with, some I come back to after trying new things, some not. I started knitting a few years ago and I've got several projects going on. I scrapbook, but not as much as a I should; I'm way behind with my son's pictures! I took a drawing class this summer and try to do that every once in a while to keep in practice. I've quilted but haven't done any in years. I'll doing that some this year at church where we might be doing a 175th anniversary quilt of some sort.
Terrie - now would be the time to auction those two pillow cases off. You will make a fortune. I think everyone here wants one.

Or you can just sell me one and we will keep it really quite. shhhhhhhhhhhh.
I have always loved crafts. I started making fleece blankets at Christmas. I started making soaps in the Fall. I am going to start playing with polymer clay.

Wow! Y'all are a fun group!

I'm like the other flitters- I do a little bit of everything.
Knit, crochet (mainly afghans now), smock for the nieces, sew, have done tatting in the past, embroidery, cross stitch, some quilting (I like piece work, but hate the actual quilting).

Took a couple of pottery classes. My family now all own unfortunate ceramic pieces.

I took a stained glass class once and loved it, but didn't have the time to devote to it. My lone piece sits in the kitchen window and makes me happy in the mornings.
I'd love to learn how to blow glass some day.

I've done scrapbooking and love it, but it's pretty time consuming too. I've started just making a books on Shutterfly instead.

I get bored doing the same thing (clearly!) and like to mix it up.
ok thought I'd share some pics of my crafts

first my scrapbooking....been published in Memory Makersmagazine with a layout about hurricane Katrina (not pictured here)




These are some of my drawings that I've done...don't have much time for that anymore with two little ones



I have been quilting for as long as I can remember. At Christmas I made DS this Texas flag mosaic. Just finished one to be raffled off for Relay for Life. I am a 2 time cancer sirvivor (sp) I thouhgt about trying to see if I can sell these flags. Since I put smal piece together (quilts and mosaic) the kids call me the piecemaker I tell them it is a labor of love.
I don't have any pictures of my work, since I haven't done any crafting in the past 5 years, but... I have high hopes of getting back into making potpourri, dried and silk floral arrangements, tole painting, bath oil and salt scrubs, sewing projects that require a minimal amount of sewing and many kinds of Christmas ornaments.

I used to sell my wares in a few crafter co-ops in local malls. I started out making bath oil and potpourri and started looking at what everybody else was making. I learned alot, but people thought that it was funny when I would pick up a doll and flip her upside down to see how she was put together!

**Maybe I should go scrounge up some of the things that I still have and take some pics...

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