Crafters- What are you making???

I wash 3 to 4 loads of laundry 2x's a week. Some weeks more I do even more. I spent about $40 or less last year when I learned about this recipe. And it cleans so much better then anything I have tried before.

That's a considerable savings!!!! WOW! What does it smell like? There is a guy I work with who uses a hoome made detergent and he always smells a bit like an old person to me, not an older person, I mean like an O-L-D person, lol!!! I am old enough without smelling like I just got a pass from the rest home!!! Can you add like soap making fragrance to it maybe?​
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Nobody ever said I smelt and trust me my kids would let me know in a hurry if I did. Someone else is going to have to tell you what it smells like as I am really bad at trying to describe a smell LOL.
I have a friend that uses the laundry soap and she puts essential oils in hers. Some smells just don't go good with it..she likes Rose, lavender, and Jasmine. I don't know how to describe the smell of the soap either lol

The best way that I can describe it, is that it smells fresh and clean...literally. Like a fresh clean scented candle, only cleaner, b/c it doesn't have all of those chemicals in it.

Hope this helps!!!
I make my own homemade laundry too. And speaking of..I need to make some tomorrow. To me, mine doesnt really have a smell. Ive thought about adding a fragrance but just havent done it yet. The one I use is this. I buy my Fels Naptha at Ace Hardware stores. And I found my Washing Soda at Brookshire Bros. and of course the Borax you can find anywhere.
Havi, Thanks for saying where to get the soap making stuff. I have been waiting for someone to tell me.

Dont know that I can use it though because we have one of them new high effeciancy machines, that take the HE soap. My daughters may try it since they or one of thier kids is allergic to some soaps.
Your welcome. I get on the site and look around over there a bit too. Theres a post someone asked about HE machines. This was a reply someone wrote:

"We have HE washer. I use my homemade detergent in it. For normal soil amts I use 1 tablespoon (I use it in dry form), if it has heavier soil I use 2 Tablespoons. I think in one load I did use 3 T one time (probably a load of jeans with cow manure on them !!)"

You might try going over there and looking around some more. I use the liquid kind though, not the dry. And for the Fels Naptha, someone also wrote that if the store sells Dial then they would be able to order FN as well. When I went to the first Ace, they didnt have it, but I asked the guy if he could look on the computer. He looked it up and told me that another Ace around the corner sold it too and they had 23 of them instock. But asked if I ever needed some more then just let him know and he would order it. I hope this helps ya.

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