Crashed My Car!!

The tricky part is the back fender is all one piece with the roof...

I think I am going to drive by our mechanic's shop and see if he knows someone who can fix it for less than the over $4000.00 that the adjuster is saying it will cost to fix. Maybe with some parts from the junkyard, some bodywork, and paint... I can get it fixed for less.

I really don't want to have to try to find a different car for what the insurance company might say my car is worth.

Look, you still have a driveable car. Nothing about that damage makes your car any less safe. its bad looking, but thats all it is, bad looking.....

A new rear door from a junkyard is going to run you between 100-200 for a complete door, look around and get lucky you find one the same color, easy enough to remove and throw the new one on.

The rear 1/4 panel isn't badly enough damaged to warrant replacing it, too many spot welds need to be removed, rear window etc etc, just a few little welds with a stud puller and then a little mud over it and your good to go.

blend the paint from the front door, roof, over the new rear door, rear 1/4 panel, bumper cover, and trunk lid, and you wouldn't be able to tell it was ever worked on.

For someone who is willing to do the work themself that is less than $500 in repairs. (ie work yourself = no labor charge)
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Wow I'm glad you are ok! To lighten your mood I hope, I was hit by a city bus in El Paso in 1985. The driver ran a stop sign and crossed four lanes of traffic missing everyone but me! I was driving a tow-truck and the right front corner of the bus hit me on the driver's side right under my propane tank. It rolled me over into a ditch with the car resting on top of me that I was towing. I broke a few bones but was ok other than that. When they got me out of the truck the bus driver was saying I hit him! I got in his face and told him "yeah right! My truck ran sideways across four lanes to acost the front corner of your bus" I called him a few choice names and all the passengers on the bus, over 20 of them were saying he ran the sign and always does. So he stomped his foot and said it was all racist, we were blaming him because he was hispanic. So were all the people on the bus!!
Glad you are ok!!
I am so glad you and everyone else were not hurt. I can't believe you got hit by a bus and your car only looked like that! It could have been smooshed!! I hope you can get your car fixed. Keep us updated.
Just talked to our mechanic, he said a rule of thumb is to double what you think the repair will be then add 50% more to that, and it will come close on bodywork.

He suggested Maaco and Collision 911 as places to get estimates on repair for less $$$. I will go there later today and see what they say. Still no word yet from the insurance company.
Just talked to our mechanic, he said a rule of thumb is to double what you think the repair will be then add 50% more to that, and it will come close on bodywork.

He suggested Maaco and Collision 911 as places to get estimates on repair for less $$$. I will go there later today and see what they say. Still no word yet from the insurance company.

Yes, that is generally true. I was merely indicating, that for someone willing to undertake their own would be a pretty cheap ordeal........
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I know my husband is not up for doing this job. If I lived in CA, I bet, I could get one of my brothers to do the work, or my uncle.
I lucky to admit it but I have never been in a crash in my car. Only been in 1 wreck in my life and no one was hurt. I'm almost 41 and figure its my turn any day now. A friend of ours we've know for about 7 years is in one about once a year. She finally totaled her car about a month ago.Most weren't her fault but still, I hated riding with here. Glad you weren't hurt, someone was looking out for you!!

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