~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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$15 on the first set please

What would shipping on both sets be?
If someone wanted both sets, total shipping would be $15. and I'll take $10 for the EE, OE set to go along with the 1st set.
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I'm having so much trouble with my computer tonight I didn't see that before I posted, then I couldn't get my computer to let me take that off. We are having super high winds tonight thats getting ready to blow in a cold front. Its going to be a high of 0 Fri and Sat
I have BLRW eggs coming out of my ears! I'm setting a ton for myself and I have some extra. If anyone would like to try some here's a chance! My lines come from all over the USA. Some Foley and some Paul's poultry and some others, My foundation came from insideyolk.com and by far my favorite birds came from him!! My Blue laced red wyandotte fertility has been excellent! I do keep a light in their coop its more like a heat lamp and I have had recently near 100% fertility! I have a bunch of chicks in my brooder from them right now. I have all blue and some splash hens. 3 blue rooster and one splash rooster. I do have a black hen but she isn't laying yet.
I can't guarantee your hatch or how the USPS will handle the box... but My sister packs the eggs for me and we have shipped out quiet a few eggs in the last few months. Her packing is excellent!

I will send out a 12+ and I will start it at $25 and Shipping will be $15
I will ship out on Friday January 11th or Saturday the 12th as long as payment is received on time.

here's some photos of my flock.
This is one of my Foley girls that I purchase from them as a chick, She is one HUGE nice friendly bird (except when she is broody!! Which she currently isn't)



This is Victor my foundation rooster. He is my favorite rooster! I do have 3 younger rooster in with the girls as well.


Victor is young here but his mahogany color is just as dark now that he is older!



Victors hackles look a little golden in this photo but they are not! It was how the photo turned out. He is going through a molt in this picture as well... I cull heavily for mahogany coloring.


I could post more photos!! I love these birds!
20 minuets to go!
Rainbow Layers

Please note: These are NOT my eggs. They come from the AMISH farm up the road from me. They do not have internet, so I am selling for them.

Flock is an assortment of F1, F2, & F3 crosses in a flock containing RIR, Ameraucana, Cuckoo Marans, Hybrid Layers, White Leghorns (original Leghorn stock has been culled to only leave birds of F1 or further crosses laying blue, green or olive colored eggs) Some original pure stock remains so pure breeds are possible. Most will produce a Rainbow of eggs ranging from pale blue to sky blue, mint green to light olive & dark olive, chocolate, pink & even purple. There are a few birds who currently still lay a light to medium brown egg as well, but who knows what the next generation will bring!!! The rainbow is not limited to egg color. The feathering of the birds is a gorgeous random assortment as well & will bring astounding colors to any flock.

Bidding begins at $8/12 with shipping of $10 per order & $5 additional for each additional order shipped combined.
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