~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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stupid post office, did you check the tracking on the paypal?

oh my god your eggs in your state, i just checked teh tracking, and i am upset becouse my po said they procees it on the 28th when i dropped them off on the 27th.
I received all the eggs purchased in the last 2 weeks safe and sound- NO BREAKAGE!! Not bad for 8 shipments of eggs, lol.
Ok... I'll offer a variety of eggs.
You will get at least 10 eggs - no less, probably more
I have a serama pen in which you will get pure seramas, and I also have a blue laced wyandotte, and a millie/columbian cochin hen in with them (I will mark the full serama eggs). My polish pen consists of a frizzled cuckoo rooster & 2 blue hens, splash hen, 2 chocolate and a black hen. My most recent was a black frizzled and a day old blue. I have hatched out cuckoos too. My mixed flock consists of black australorps and a lav split orpington. They will most likely be bred by my blue marans rooster. I have gotten black, blue and splash chicks out of this combo. I will also throw in a few cochin x eggs and some ameraucana eggs (true ameraucana, lavender in color). I have had excellent fertility with my eggs here at home, and have shipped before, with success.

Start at: $5.00 please



some of my polish chicks:

Orpington hen:

Lavender ameraucana (bantam)
One seller I did contact, one I haven't yet. I agree about the animal husbandry comment. I have all kinds of waterfowl, Pekins, Runners, Muscovys, Calls, plus Sebastopol geese. I know they can muck up their eggs. But its up to US as their caretakers to make sure that their living conditions are suitable and CLEAN for them. Someone suggested to me that I use light sandpaper on the eggs. That's not going to work...we had to wash these eggs. There was no other way around it.

We use lots of hay, straw, and/or pine shavings in our coops, duck/goose houses. They're mucked out at least 2 times a week. This winter was horrible with all the snow we had here in TN. Between the cold temps and snow, we still managed to do a good job, I think anyway, of keeping things as clean as we could. I have to give alot of credit to my husband who does a major portion of the mucking due to a disability I have with my right arm. But we're out there daily seeing what we can do to improve things.

Even after a rain storm and their pens get muddy....we're right out there with hay to cover the mud. The ducks, geese, and chickens work it into the soil. We also try to reseed pens with grass seed every few weeks. I thought we were doing the norm, not the exception.

I do staggered hatches constantly and I also have some expensive stock that I'm trying to add to my place. I can't have eggs that could possibly contaminate my other eggs in my incubator.

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