~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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I'm not afraid of Pidgey. I'll sneak in another bid and WIN!
These will ship on Sat, I can combine shipping on the chicken lots, I think the Quail need to go seperately though so they don't get smooshed!:

12+ LF BBS & Lav Ameraucana
I have a pen of a Black Split Roo over Blue, Black, Black Splits and Splash hens. So chance of Lavenders on these.
All of my Ameraucanas have come from breeders (Harry Shaffer, Jerry Desmidt and others) All have good type, the size could be better on the Splash hen. Egg color has varied on these, from blue to blue green to greenish from some of the Splits. I'm working on type before color (Build the barn, then paint it!)

Min Bid 8.00, shipping 12.00


Ameraucana Pen

More Ameraucana pics

6 (plus extras if I have them) LF Blue and Splash Cochins

Splash Roo over Splash and Blue Hens, Nice Quaility birds.

Min bid 5.00, shipping 9.00


Cochin Pen

Cochin hen (Ignore the Meat Chicken running amok)

16+ Quail Eggs (Jumbo Brown Coturnix ) and 6+ Mexican Speckled Bobwhite Quail

I have two pens of Jumbo Brown Coturnix Quail, one has a White hen in it, so chance of Tuxedos.
I also have a pen of Mexican Speckled Bobwhite Quail, I don't have space in my bator, so this lot will include their eggs too (You'll have to put them in before the others if you'd like them to hatch on the same day)

Min Bid 4.00, shipping 6.00


Mexican Speckled Bobwhite (Stay still, darn it!)

Coturnix Quail in Brown and White
Hey Pamperedpoultry, of the chicks that I hatched out from you last month I got one with a most unusual color. I thought it was a Black Cochin, but then it got what looks like either golden lacing, or golden penciling around it's neck. ONLY around it's neck though. The rest of the bird is black as far as I can tell. Could this be a Cinnamon Red? I'm not 100% positive, but I think it's a pullet.
It could be, heres the parents of the cin red (they were only about 4 months old in the pics. Did I send you any from my frizz cochins?? I had mottled hens covered by a white frizz roo they might would throw an off color too??

It could be, heres the parents of the cin red (they were only about 4 months old in the pics. Did I send you any from my frizz cochins?? I had mottled hens covered by a white frizz roo they might would throw an off color too??

Ok, of the 4 Cochin eggs that hatched, 1 was marked Black Mottled, 1 was marked Cinnamon Red, 1 was marked Frizzle, and 1 had no marking at all. The egg wasn't written on. What I have is 1 White chick, 1 Black Mottled chick, 1 black chick with the golden neck, and a tiny one that isn't growing very fast at all, but I think it might be another Black Mottled. Not 100% sure on that though as it only has a little bit of wing feathers at nearly 5 weeks old. I'll take a few pictures now to show you. Be back in a few with pictures!
$15 on the bbs standard cochins.


you can have them I have to pick up my standard mottleds saturday. don't need to spend my money on eggs right now anyway

you can have them I have to pick up my standard mottleds saturday. don't need to spend my money on eggs right now anyway

Sorry folks...I may be away from my computer tomorrow when these go off. I had to make a statement bid
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