~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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I have American New Hampshires they are not hatchery they lay a very nice brown egg just about everyday heat and cold doesn't seem to bother them much and they will go broody and have done a fine job raising chicks. They are slower to mature than my Delawares they take about 7 months to be filled out and the pullets lay at around 5 1/2 months some of the pullets will not get a necklace but most do after their first good molt. These are great homestead type birds they don't range way far from the coop but they are good to hustle up their own food these really like to scratch up the dirt. The roosters are kind the hens are friendly and they are just pretty red golden birds. 20.00 to start plus shipping for 12+ probably around 16 eggs these eggs seem to ship well and they just hatch like popcorn I'll try to post some pictures but I don't have good luck on the new board they come out pretty small.
I have Blue Copper eggs these are Blue Copper to Blue Copper so 50% Blue Copper 25% Black Copper 25% Copper Splash chicks these are excellent layers and they all started out laying a #5/6 on the egg chart they do lighten up then get dark again but the eggs are shiny and smooth and my customers have been getting excellent hatches. I am trying to breed to the standard these are very pretty birds and very friendly birds and these breeders came from hen hatched and raised eggs. My Marans like to go broody when it gets hot which isn't a bad thing they do not like the heat and they will slow down when it stays around 100. 30.00 to start plus shipping I'll try to post some pictures but I don't have good luck on the new board they come out pretty small.
This will be for 12 + eggs
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I just hatched out 19 of 19 eggs from Lotsapaints Blue Copper Marans. They are huge fluffy chicks, all have feathered legs, and they are super healthy and active. You can't go wrong on these eggs. If both my bators wern't full I would be bidding on them.
I have 7 Swedish Duck eggs for auction. Shipping will be $15. If she lays today and tomorrow you will get 8. I have 1 pair and fertility is excellent (blue drake over black duck). I shipped 12 eggs a few weeks ago to Montana and all are developing. Start bidding where you want. I will ship tomorrow afternoon.

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Ok. My bators are offically packed. Over 492 eggs cooking and I do not have room for one more for the next week. Except the 6 I just ordered
. So I have to sell sell sell.....This is what I will have and I can fill several orders a week if needed.

Everything is based on 6 eggs

Easter Eggers................3.00
Frizzled Easter Eggers.....6.00
Black Copper Marans.......20.00 About a 6-7 on scale. These are my f3. My orinional stock came from Bev Davis and Wade Gene. I guess you can call them my lines now? In the pen with the BCM's are three Blue Marans as well. There eggs are a little lighter about a 4-5 so I can usually tell them apart. I can put some of those in the box in place of some BCM if you want to.
Rhode Island White..........15.00 (Yes I know lots of talk about them.) They are the single comb and large. They do not really compare with a white rock at all and a heavy body.
Silkies..............15.00Showgirl rooster with 4 hens. One black one white one splash and one blue. The black hen is a showgirl as well. I hatch out both standard and showgirls. All have 5 toes and nice crest on them.
Americanas..........6.00 All are white. The rooster has a llight brown on his wings. Looks like dirt.

I have Barnies as well but I am test the fertility on them. I have not hatched some in a while. Think the rooster got lazy.
Also have sizzle's but got a report none developed on some I shipped. So testing them as well. Should now on both in a few days.

Shipping is 12.95 for 6 eggs or 18 for 12. I can get up to 36 in a box.

These are all BIN prices. I can start shipping on Monday. I have a few orders locally.

I will try to get put up picture's tomorrow. If you do not recgonize my user name, I used to be Monkeyingaroundfarm. Changed it when I moved to the farm....
Auction - 12+ LF Lavender Ameraucanas. Lines are Shaffer and RIbbeck. Eggs color is blue to blue-green. Lavender is a project variety and has not yet been accepted, but hopefully will be soon. This variety had not been "prefected" yet and anomalies still crop up periodically. The best egg color,and size, and type is to be found in the B/B Ameraucanas and the Lavs can be improved by crossing to these.

That said....starting bid is $20 + 16 priority shipping. Paypal only please. I would expect to ship these Saturday if the auction is paid for.

Please PM me with any questions.

I am drowning in Frizzled Bantam Cochins, South Americans, and Bantam Cochins.

I am also getting tons of d'Uccles, Barred Rocks, and Silkies.

Bidding starts at $15 per 10+ and shipping, double-boxed in foam is $15. I am going to make that '+' very generous on some of these!!

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