~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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Ummm I only have 1 Leahy 624 and try as I might I have not been able to fill it yet. I'm a slacker.
Apparently I need incubators anonymous.
There is a thread for that


We are not really much help.
I left just enough sppace last night for guinea eggs Now I here the egg song all over my back yard. I may have to add a barnyard mix in here. I haven't gotten my hoop coops up yet and it's not looking like it will be soon. Just too much going on and I'm old and always in some kind of pain, so maybe next week I can start back on them. In the mean time I have FBCM, AMs, Wellies, and some hens from the same mix out there laying up a storm. I have maybe 40 chicks in the brooders and some growing out.

I really need to thin out my flock, but I get too danged attached. Twice the bummer if you lose one. All of my birds were named at one time. Now I try NOT to name them, just so I don't think about it as much. Doesn't work though.

About those shipped eggs. Were they that dirty and did the shipper tell you there were some dirty ones? Gotten a few eggs that looked like that that HAD been wrapped well, but they were nasty from the others getting smashed. I've tossed eggs from my birds that look that bad. I got eggs yesterday that were packed really well and when I candled I had loose cells and scrambled eggs. The PO drives me crazy with this. I get very few chicks from shipped eggs. I set them with the turners off, so maybe I'll get luck and actually get some chicks, but not holding my breath.

I use a very light dose of Oxine in water to clean dirty eggs. Keeps the bacteria from forming once the bloom is removed.
My Incubators are OVERFLOWING Egg Special - Buy It Now (PLEASE!!)

these can ship as early as this afternoon. No egg over two days old and will send freshest eggs possible depending on what my laying machines leave today.

Buff Orpington - $18 per dozen shipped

Silver Sebright - $20 per dozen shipped

I bubble wrap each egg individually and pack carefully. With that being said, I can not guarantee hatch rate but do guarantee that I check fertility with weekly hatches.


Someone HAS to want some eggs.. these are fresh.. I just don't have room..
My Incubators are OVERFLOWING Egg Special - Buy It Now (PLEASE!!)

these can ship as early as this afternoon. No egg over two days old and will send freshest eggs possible depending on what my laying machines leave today.

Buff Orpington - $18 per dozen shipped

Silver Sebright - $20 per dozen shipped

I bubble wrap each egg individually and pack carefully. With that being said, I can not guarantee hatch rate but do guarantee that I check fertility with weekly hatches.

Do you have pics of your silver sebrights? Thanks!
I would.. but son has my camera in California.. I don't show.. but have been told they are nice enough to show if I ever wanted to do that..if that helps any

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