Crazy Chicken Lady (Man) Call~~ you know you got one....

When I call my chickens I say: Here Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick!!!
I just holler out "Hey babies" and every chicken I have comes runing up to the sides of the cages where they can see me. All 113 of them. Well, almost all, the 4 that stay in the house dont. lol.
For my two girls wherever they are in the pen if I go out and call

"Chicky Bo Bo's!!" they will come running and cheeping.

BUT if they are free in the yard they pretend like they are deaf
the ground is more interesting then I. haha
"CHICKEEEES!, CHICKY CHICKS! Come on babieeeees!" done in a high voice. Thank heaven my husband is usually the only one near enough to hear. Usually brings them running, though.

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