Crazy Feathers and Furry Friends Hobby Farm


6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
Auburndale, Wi
Thought I would post some pictures of my flock and furry friends. Hope you like them.

The home we purchased last year came with a barn in fair shape. After my husband straightened one of the walls and added some more support it is as sturdy as the day it was built. We also added a fresh coat of white paint and repaired the windows the roof and haymow have no leaks, just a few drafts here and there. We decided to build our chicken coop in the South East corner of the barn. We used Plywood, recycled insulation, window and door. My husband ran the electrical into the coop for additional light and heated water bowl.

We are constantly changing the inside of the coop as I am a first time chicken owner and realized after reading BYC that I did a few things wrong. I have 6 nesting boxes now I used to have many more but removed them not only because they did not use them but because they were sleeping and pooping in them. I have left a piece of plywood on top of the nesting boxes for a roost because as you can see my roosts are lower than my nesting boxes another thing that we will be changing. We will be putting nesting boxes coming out the back wall so I can collect eggs from the outside as also give the chickens a little more room and correct roosts. Our automatic door to the run is fully operated by us and a piece of wood to keep it open lol. The girls have a huge run that we section off in the summer so there is always fresh grass.
My other flock is inside the barn roaming all over much to my husbands dismay, I try to keep it clear of chicken poop but It's a losing battle. I think they wait for me to shovel and sweep then give me the old chicken eye and poop on my clean floor. I had them in a stall that was converted for the pullets but because of where they came from they were picked very badly and eating each others feathers, so my solution was to let them free range the barn. It worked all my girls grew their feathers back and I think it has made them much friendlier to me as now they eat out of my hand.
Drinking out of the heated water bowl.

I keep a chair out in the barn where I give the girls and boy treats. If I am sitting in that chair they stay close so they don't miss out on anything. As you see I have RIR, D'Uccles, SLW, and NJH.

My one and only BA

Hannibal - the D'Uccle

Clarice - Hannibal's gal.

I also have 2 Nubian Pygmy goats, the baby is bred with a pure bred fainting goat but so far "M&M" has not fainted. "Harley is the mama".

Potbellied pigs "Midnight and Sundown"

Thanks for looking!
Cute farm you have! I used to keep pygmy goats. What a riot they are! Fun to keep too. Thanks for sharing!
It's odd because I didn't want goats but my husband insisted, now I adore them. The baby M&M is such a character always running, jumping, and bumping me with his head, he is very playful. He sneaks into the barn through the chicken door and thinks its a game for me to catch him sometimes I don't think it's too funny but he sure loves it. M&M also like to go chicken bowling sometimes so I have to keep an eye on him. lol Harley the mama is a glutton, but no fat goats on our farm so besides her regular feed I may give her a animal cracker or shredded wheat but that's it much to her dismay. I will have her bred in the spring so we can enjoy another baby goat hopefully it won't be a male!

Also Hannibal is a great Rooster, I have never had one who will follow me around or sit at my feet (all food motivated I'm sure). I had a beautiful RIR Roo but he attacked me 1 too many times, the mother in law said he tasted wonderful. I've been trying to get Hannibal to sit on my knee for treats but no success yet.
Animals and Chickens are addicting, I will never be a hoarder but I know I need more. lol

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