Crazy hat day...opinions??

I bet they have prizes for all kinds of stuff and he will win something. This brings to mind my best friend. Her daughter got married and her son, who is over 30, has been lifetime ADHD, hardcore. So if he is not getting some kind of attention he feels left out. I made him a plaque for The Best Tuxedo Wearin Man At The Party. He got the biggest kick out of that and it really meant nothing.
I bet they have prizes for all kinds of stuff and he will win something. This brings to mind my best friend. Her daughter got married and her son, who is over 30, has been lifetime ADHD, hardcore. So if he is not getting some kind of attention he feels left out. I made him a plaque for The Best Tuxedo Wearin Man At The Party. He got the biggest kick out of that and it really meant nothing.
lol.png thinking.
I hope they do prizes, we will see. I am sure all the kids will have awesome hats, he is so excited, being its his first year going to school and his first party AT school. I cant wait for him to get OFF the bus already and its not even morning yet.
I bet they have prizes for all kinds of stuff and he will win something. This brings to mind my best friend. Her daughter got married and her son, who is over 30, has been lifetime ADHD, hardcore. So if he is not getting some kind of attention he feels left out. I made him a plaque for The Best Tuxedo Wearin Man At The Party. He got the biggest kick out of that and it really meant nothing.
lol.png thinking.
I hope they do prizes, we will see. I am sure all the kids will have awesome hats, he is so excited, being its his first year going to school and his first party AT school. I cant wait for him to get OFF the bus already and its not even morning yet.

You are a good mommy!!!!! I felt same way with my son when he did that kind of stuff too!
My son made a hat for crazy hat day that involved a little opening flap, with a sandwich baggie stapled inside with ceral in it. That way he could eat cereal when he wanted during crazy hat day, apparently it was inspired by a book he read? Since he couldn't even read yet I have to assume the teacher read it to them or he saw a picture in a book. It was a big hit with his class!

Your son is a real cutie! It's hard to get pictures of my youngest son that don't have him grimicing, as though constipated. We hope he outgrows this look soon!
LOL...I hear ya on the picture thing. Whats worse is when he tries to fake smile, you can TELL he is funny. Kids rock!

Thanks Deb, I try to be a "good" mommy, I dont think the boys think so when I have had enough and start yelling...or even worse, mumbling under my breath.
LOL...then they know I am really mad. The yelling they seem to not hear, but the that they hear.
I spent many many many afternoons muttering under my breath. It seems now that my son is 20 he can tell me the most memorable moments for him are all but forgotten for me!!!!
Right, I breathe in and breathe out. LOL
Mumble...and Breathe in and breathe out.
Its not as bad as I make it sound. LOL...I only have to mumble every once in a while. Most of the time my boys are pretty good...and kids will be kids, so I always take that into consideration.
Not to mention that if I compare them to me as a kid they are COMPLETE ANGELS!!!

ETA.. its 1:42 a.m. here...I am so excited about this "crazy hat day" that I cant even sleep...I feel like its x-mas eve.
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Surviving children is a gold medal winner if you ask me. It is a never ending job. My son is 20 - he is still grasping for his future, and IMHO not making the greatest choices. My job NOW is to sit back and watch. Bite nails, keep mouth shut, sit on hands. Harder than raising them!!!!
Ugh, I cant wait....NOT!!!!!!!!!!
My oldest is 11 in Nov. so only 7 more years to go before he "thinks" he is a grown up. LOL

well I guess I am gonna go try and go to sleep or at least cuddle with my hunny...ttys!
I will let you know how his day goes tomorrow!
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My son is a good young man. He is just lost as far as a future goes. He is focusing better now, but he has lagged behind his whole life. His terrible twos took place at 4.....

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