Crazy Question


Aug 16, 2016
I am really not sure which thread to ask a question in so here it goes. We have Cinnamon Queen chickens which I love :) Every time I hard boil my eggs the yolk is always at the bottom of the fat part of the egg. Has this happened to anyone else? I have asked many farmers and no one has any clue. I know when you hard boil a store bought egg the yolk is in the middle area when you cut into it so you can make them pretty with the yellow goodness when you make deviled eggs. Not mine though you can have a deviled cup instead. If anyone has a clue please share with me. I hard boil my eggs the normal way which is eggs in pot and cool water over eggs and then bring to a boil and the turn on low covered. So I know it is not that.
It's probably just what she does. Store bought eggs are candled and sorted so that only the most perfect ones are sold. Those like your hens lays would be sold for powdered eggs or any other version where you don't see the egg. Every hen does her own thing, and lays eggs distinctively her own.
I would suggest you try putting your eggs in the pan with the pointy end down. That should take care of your problem.
I am really not sure which thread to ask a question in so here it goes. We have Cinnamon Queen chickens which I love :) Every time I hard boil my eggs the yolk is always at the bottom of the fat part of the egg. Has this happened to anyone else? I have asked many farmers and no one has any clue. I know when you hard boil a store bought egg the yolk is in the middle area when you cut into it so you can make them pretty with the yellow goodness when you make deviled eggs. Not mine though you can have a deviled cup instead. If anyone has a clue please share with me. I hard boil my eggs the normal way which is eggs in pot and cool water over eggs and then bring to a boil and the turn on low covered. So I know it is not that.
I've wondered the same thing.......think maybe that store eggs are older, and stored pointy end down, thus 'drier' with thicker albumen?<shrugs>
Really have no idea tho.
The eggs in the store been pointy side down for weeks. Store your eggs pointy side down for a couple weeks and see if that helps. I store them that way. Now you got me curious, I have some two week old eggs in the fridge. I will have my first hard boiled eggs from my chickens tomorrow. I'll let you know if it works.
I just went and checked and almost all of mine were pointy side down :( Maybe it is just this breed of chicken.

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