Cream Legbar Chicks


12 Years
Sep 26, 2010
South Georgia
I have 12 cream legbar eggs in lockdown right now. They should be hatching in 3 days. I really do not need any more Cream Legbars so I decided to offer some on BYC. Female chicks are $30 each and male chicks are $7 each. Please PM me if you are interested. I can ship.

Here is some information on the chicks:

Cream legbars are medium-sized fowl that are auto-sexing and lay a beautiful sky blue egg. auto-sexing chicken breeds like the cream legbar produce visually sexable chicks generation after generation, which means anyone can tell the sex of the chick immediately after hatching.

The male Cream Legbar chicks have a pale dot on their head and have little or no eye barring. The female Cream Legbar chicks, the hens, have a dark brown or black stripe on their head which continues down the body with clear eye barring. They are a very inquisitive breed and quick to explore new places. Cream Legbars were developed in the 1930's in Cambridge by crossing Brown Leghorns, Barred Plymouth Rocks and Araucana (for the egg colour). They are a rare breed and are covered by the Rare Poultry Society. They lay 180+ eggs per year, this is probably due to their leghorn ancestry.

The cream legbar was originally imported by Greenfire farms. I have 3 different bloodlines.

Thank you for looking.
Ewe Crazy Farms

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