Cream legbar eggs no pipping at Day 20


Jan 7, 2017
Jokkmokk, Sweden
Hello, it's our first batch of hatching eggs. We had four initially but when I candled at Day 18 one of them hadn't progressed at all, so down to three. If you count the first day (I gather you're not supposed to?) it's actually Day 21, but I've been saying it's Day 20. I've had no movement or noise or pips yet and I'm starting to get worried. There has been some temperature fluctuation as I moved them to a different room and had to unplug the incubator for about one minute. I'm worried I didn't put them back in exactly the right position and of all numbers of terrifying things and am probably just a bit paranoid because I was up all night staring at eggs. I've read loads on here of some hatches taking longer, and the embryos all looked great at Day 18 candling, just wondering what to do!
x2 , except I don't recommend a "float test" until you are totally sure how that works and it's been longer without hatch than you are describing. Counting the days doesn't start until the end of the first 24 hour period, so if you put the eggs in on a Monday, then the hatch will also be on a Monday. HOWEVER, that "21 days" isn't set in stone. We've all had eggs hatch a couple of days earlier and we've all had eggs hatch a couple of days later. Unplugging the incubator for a few minutes isn't going to make one bit of difference - the incubator wouldn't have cooled that much and the eggs, with their mass, hold heat longer than the air anyway. Slight movement won't have any effect either, although a drastic one that totally changes the orientation of the air cell from the top of the egg to the bottom could. But I doubt from your post that you did that, so you should be okay.

Patience, Grasshoppah......
Ok thank you :) I think I'm just too easily worried. I've grown quite attached to these little eggies! We've had lots of peeping from two eggs and one of them has made a small crack in the shell, but not broken through yet. It's not exactly where the air sac was but not far off. Hopefully we'll have some pips soon and some movement from the remaining egg!
Ok thank you
I think I'm just too easily worried. I've grown quite attached to these little eggies! We've had lots of peeping from two eggs and one of them has made a small crack in the shell, but not broken through yet. It's not exactly where the air sac was but not far off. Hopefully we'll have some pips soon and some movement from the remaining egg!

And even when they start, it can take up to 24 hours from the first pip until the chick gets out. It just depends. My first hatch in an incubator I was so nervous and watching my husband dragged me out for supper after I watched a non productive pip all day. The first chick made it out right before bedtime and most of the rest hatched out over night.
Sometimes this time of year if it is cold the hatches will take an extra day or so.


We've had two pips! Egg #4 and #3 yay!!! There's been not much progress through the night on #4, but #3 is all like I shall not be contained!

There's been no peeping or pipping or movement from #1 though which I'm starting to worry about
If there's no change after the others (hopefully) hatch, what should I do?? Thank you all for your help! I think I just needed some reassurance!
One hatched! It's sleeping and drying off now, and the other has its beak out, but hasn't started really trying to hatch yet. It's been like that for about six hours now. Still breathing, but no real progress. Is this ok?

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