Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

This thread has opened my eyes to chicken conformation:

CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

There is so much more to a proper comb, back, tail, etc. than I ever thought possible.

Walt is a major figure there.

Yes, I visited there early on, and need to find the time to head back again. I'm glad all you are looking at this.
Quick hackle shot, gold versus cream. Pretty sure we all have got this part figured out, but had one spare minute and just saw this in my millions of photos, my son loves the camera and chickens. Sharing for fun.

Everyone, I was looking at Ebay and saw these pictures. Please look at the male photos and tell me what you think. I am concerned about the second photograph of a male in particular.
buyer beware on that one...the boys look like there's something bantam in there and yes that second male is a doosey.
So funny, the eggs under my broody are from Scar Top Poultry. I read everything I could on Cream Legbars, including on here, and compared tons of pictures before making my decision. I thought they were lovely looking birds.
Our local feed store states, "The Bitterness of Poor Quality and Service remains Long after the Sweetness of Cheap Price has passed." What do you do when the price isn't cheap?

Still thinking about that eBay auction for RARE Cream Legbar Hatching Eggs. Anyone have any idea who this person is? Maybe there's a way we can help. Maybe someone nearby can give her a spare rooster?

The females seem golden on their hackles (except for one that looks white). They look a bit off colored on the throat and face with more reddish brown. See photo with the roosters tail and 2 females (4th photo).

Female in Center below is OK in color, cream legbar, feathers on face not reddish brown. You also want to see faint barring (back, tail, body, and fluff). On below, I see it in the fluff and in the sun going through the top feather on this female. See draft standard below (if curious clockwise from CL, 2 Welsummers, 2 CLs, one CL X Golden Lace Wyandotte).

Comb, Face, and Wattles: Bright red.
Beak: Yellow.
Eyes: Reddish bay.
Ear-lobes: Enamel white.
Head: Plumage, cream and gray.
Crest: Cream and gray, some chestnut permissible.
Neck: Hackle—cream, softly barred gray.
Front of neck—salmon.

Wings: Fronts, Bows and Coverts—silver-gray, faintly barred.
Primaries—gray, peppered.
Secondaries—gray, very faintly barred.

Back: Gray, softly barred.

Tail: Main Tail and Coverts—silver-gray, faintly barred.

Breast: Salmon, well defined in outline.

Body and Fluff: Silver-gray, indistinctly barred.

Legs and Toes: Yellow.

Under-Color of All Sections: Silver-gray.
My CLB eggs hatched this weekend! There is one chick that I am not sure whether or not it is a hen or roo. It has the very dark striping, but it seems to have a little bit of white on the head. Then there are four other definite cockerels. I've marked the two with the best headspots to watch for as breeders. There are also four pullets, one of them which has really bad splay leg. If she makes it I will not use her for breeding. I am so excited!

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