Cream legbar x lavender ameraucana


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2019
Anyone ever cross these two? And if so what were your results. Just curious to see the color variations in feathers and egg since they're both blue layers.
Blue eggs, green legs and black birds with some leakage is what you will get. They will have beards.
Blue eggs, green legs and black birds with some leakage is what you will get. They will have beards.

Cream Legbar rooster mated to Lavender Ameraucana will produce Single barred roosters with white shanks, some silver/yellow leakage as adults.. Pullets will be barred with yellow shanks.

Lavender Ameraucana rooster mated to a Cream Legbar hens

Black sex links, Black pullets with slate shansk, Single barred roosters with white shanks, some silver/yellow leakage as adults

Cream Legbar genetic make up for their phenotype

e+/e+, s+/s+, ig/ig, Lav+/Lav+, B/B, Id/Id(clear yellow shanks) w/w(recessive yellow skin)

Laveder Ameraucana genetic make up for their phenotype

E/E, S/?(dont know if they are silver based or gold based as they are self colored), Ig+/Ig+, lav/lav, b+/b+ id+/id+(Slate shanks) W+/W+(White skin color)

Males of this cross will be E/e+, s+/s+, Ig+/ig, Lav+/lav, B/b+ Id/id+, W+/w : Single barred roosters with white shanks, some silver/yellow leakage as adults
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Cream Legbar rooster mated to Lavender Ameraucana will produce Single barred roosters with white shanks, some silver/yellow leakage as adults.. Pullets will be barred with yellow shanks.

Lavender Ameraucana rooster mated to a Cream Legbar hens

Black sex links, Black pullets with slate shansk, Single barred roosters with white shanks, some silver/yellow leakage as adults

Cream Legbar genetic make up for their phenotype

e+/e+, s+/s+, ig/ig, Lav+/Lav+, B/B, Id/Id(clear yellow shanks) w/w(recessive yellow skin)

Laveder Ameraucana genetic make up for their phenotype

E/E, S/?(dont know if they are silver based or gold based as they are self colored), Ig+/Ig+, lav/lav, b+/b+ id+/id+(Slate shanks) W+/W+(White skin color)

Males of this cross will be E/e+, s+/s+, Ig+/ig, Lav+/lav, B/b+ Id/id+, W+/w : Single barred roosters with white shanks, some silver/yellow leakage as adults

Wow thanks a bunch. Super helpful.
Blue eggs, green legs and black birds with some leakage is what you will get. They will have beards.
I have some around a month old and Cyprus is 💯 % correct, that’s what mine are showing with one of them leaking the barred rock color?

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