Creative Coop Names

Are they hard to install?
I don't know. I wound up building attached runs made of hardware cloth. My newest bunch are fliers and I doubt some would ever return if they could live in the trees where they were used to living before they were rescued.
The 'white' roofing is made of clear polycarbonate roofing paneling. We're going to make removable panels for the remainder and sides for winter.
"The Chicken Ranch" little hen house in Texas
Ours is the Chicken Ranch too. I have a hen named Dolly. My cousin's grandmother- in -law actually owns the house the movie was filmed in. Her husband lived there before he got married.
I call one of my coops "section 8 housing" because I am currently keeping a couple of really rogue hens in it. These hens are Cream Legbars, I call them "The west end girls" by the Pet Shop Boys.....hahahaha...I love that irony! The hens are super duper sweet to people, in fact, they are like cats, they follow and swirl around your ankles. But, they seem to hate other very mean the two of them! Anyway, I think the name of the coop fits them. Did I mention these hens are also slobs who tear up their section 8 house????? I have 4 coops and one 8 X16 hen house, and am trying to name the rest of them. But, my family always knows which coop I mean when i say "section 8." LOL

P.S. I have 2 other Cream Legbar hens that are super duper sweet and a very nice gentleman CLB rooster. I do not know why the West End girls are so naughty, but the rest of my CLB's are nice.
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I don't know. I wound up building attached runs made of hardware cloth. My newest bunch are fliers and I doubt some would ever return if they could live in the trees where they were used to living before they were rescued.
The 'white' roofing is made of clear polycarbonate roofing paneling. We're going to make removable panels for the remainder and sides for winter.

Gorgeous set up!! The attached runs look like an aviary/conservatory. Very nicely done.

Just finishing ours up. Just have to do the run, I've decided on frango do solar (chicken manor house in Portuguese) sign under will read all you can eat buffet next door (because it is incorporated with my garden).
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We are still deciding but have to comment, these are amazing names.. some get an Awww others are so funny. I needed a stress relief and reading these gave me one, Thank you

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