Creepy Marcia laying even creepier eggs at night...


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ.
OK. I have 12 girls, three of which are California Whites (Marcia, Jan and Cindy). All of the chickens, save for one, lay lovely, large eggs in the morning and afternoon. A couple of months ago, I accidentally left the coop door open after putting the girls to bed. About 9pm I was startled to see Marcia on the patio looking at me thru the door. Then her body started to undulate and out popped an egg! The egg was weird-it had a thin, papery shell but was normal inside. I started offering oyster shell to them, their eggs had been fine so I had figured that they were getting enough calcium before then. The night time laying on the porch happened a couple more times. I also found several eggs splattered on the ground under her while she was roosting. Other than this issue, she seems to be just fine. Nowadays, at night I see her perched on the edge of the nesting boxes for hours. I know she will eventually lay her weird egg in the night after I go to bed.

It is almost like her egg isn't spending enough time in the uterus having the shell made before it is expelled. Also she seems to have gotten into the habit of laying at night.

It seems like there are three problems.

1) she is laying at a weird time of the day. how do i get her back to laying during the day?

2) her eggs are not right even though I increased her calcium intake

3) the other chickens, if given the opportunity, will snack of her eggs. I have found several huddled around the remains of an egg and the other day I chased Penny around the yard thinking she had a dead frog in her mouth only to find out it was the floppy remains of a dirt-covered shell. The minute I stopped chasing her she slurped the shell down like a piece of spaghetti. I do not want them to decide other eggs are tasty too and turn into a bunch of egg eaters.

FYI I feed them Layer Feed, oyster shell, Red Lake Earth and kitchen scraps, fruit, veg, etc.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I was really hoping you had an answer to this as one of my chickies has started doing the exact same thing, just this past week!

We opened the coop door and an egg dropped out (our door is in the floor), and broke, and they all jumped on it and ate it. I was very worried because I don't want them getting a taste for eggs (I have six sweeties of mixed breeds) Four days later when I picked an egg out of the nesting box it was sticky from having sat in YOLK, and inside the coop I found the remains of a shell, a little more flexible than normal. Then last night my daughter found them eating an egg laid in the grass about 7 at night, and the shell was soft and rubbery and they were eating that too.

I did the same thing as you-instant oyster bowl was filled (I HAD been lax in this area) and now i'm here, looking for advice.

Someone help! LOL!!
Replying to myelf always seems stupid lol, but I just wanted to point out there is a thread just a few down that addresses these issues!!
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