crested polish pictures


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 14, 2007
sweet home, OR
I have three new baby silver crested polish chicks, they just hatched yesterday and I was wondering if any one had pictures of their babies to share. I cant figure out how to post pictures! Of course with twin almost two year old boys running around I have a hard time figuring out ANYTHING!
Mine are the friendliest of the bunch right now. I have four of them. Rootbeer is my golden and she is as sweet and loveable as my dogs. Here's some pics of the other three.

This is my buff cockrel Butterscotch

This is my golden Rootbeer

This is Lemondrop who might be a Houdan
you have pretty birds. Mine are doing well, I think anyway.... I have never had chickens before. They are only about 24 hours old and are eating and drinking, so that is good. They seem to be full of energy. Do chicks this age need grit?
No they don't need grit. The chick starter feed that you have them on is all that they need to be on. Grit is not given until they are older and eating other things besides the feed. If you free range or have them outside a lot chances are you won't need it then either since they will find small stone and the like to pick up. I have a big dog bowl in my coop filled with grit just on the chance that they need it. Better to be safe than sorry.
At least here you have some instructions that come with the babies. I now have teenagers (16,14 & 13) and I sure wish they came with some instructions on how to keep their mouths shut when they start getting "smart" with me.

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