***Crevecoeur Thread***

Hey everyone... so I am wanting to work on the Crevecoeur breed and hope to eventually get it closer to the standard. It is my understanding the the gene pool for crevecoeur is quite shallow. After doing some research on the history of the breed it appears as though it was developed by crossing the Dorking with another French fowl. Right now I am thinking that if I select out the best crev I can and bring in some Dorking blood it might help. Any thoughts from breeders out there?

I don't breed but have read input from breeders on Buff colored fowl and Dominique thread and some others can't recall. But most of these breeders say it will take several generations (7 to 10) to get a crossed breed type back to the original breed. As long as the Crevies are breeding true you don't want to add some other breed in - it will take years to get it back to the Crevie standard again.

Once you breed, separate 2 or even 3 pens of breeding birds from your hatches. Use those different pens as your diverse lines. Each pen will have different lines developed. You might notice one pen has better crests, another pen has gentler less combative temperaments, one pen might have better body type. From those pens select your best birds for your final project. This is a nutshell explanation but read up on breeding on these BYC threads first. I've read some breeders stay with their own strains/lines of fowl and never even introduce outside stock of the same breed because they don't want to introduce flaws that another breeder may have problems with in their stock.
Hello! :) First time with this breed. This is my baby Jed. I believe he/she is a crevecoeur. Sorry for the bad quality pictures.

First time with this breed. This is my baby Jed. I believe he/she is a crevecoeur. Sorry for the bad quality pictures.

Darling little chick. Where did you get it that you aren't sure its a Crev? Shouldn't Crev chicks have some crest foof on top like other crested chick breeds?

Hello everyone from Lookout Mountain! This little bundle of joy is about 2 months old and I wanted to show my little Crev baby! It's hard to sex them (or I have all females? as they all look like this one for the most part). Do combs develop slower with crev's? It's my first time with this breed! Looking forward to these little babies getting bigger!
I hope he has some other mild-mannered chicks to hang out with since I understand Crevs are a bit shy and gentle?

Oh yes! There are 18 other chicks with him/her. Some old English, a jap, some polish, some sebrights, some Cochins, and some d'uccles! They all get along great! I alwys keep an eye on my crev! :D
Oh yes! There are 18 other chicks with him/her. Some old English, a jap, some polish, some sebrights, some Cochins, and some d'uccles! They all get along great! I alwys keep an eye on my crev!

You have a nice gentle assortment mixed together. So good to see as so many chicken owners just toss heavy LF with their gentler breeds and that stresses out the smaller gentler breeds. We've had to re-home several assertive LF that weren't playing nice with the gentler smaller breeds because I didn't understand that when starting backyard chickens.
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