***Crevecoeur Thread***

the ornamental contest is almost over once i find at least 2 more judges. i am going through the list i have and there are no entries for some breeds. if you want to enter now is your chance to do so. thank you (please if you enter more than one bird use seprate post for easier judging and try to include at least 3 pics from different angles)

crevecoeur ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/649709/ornamental-crevecoeur NO ENTRIES YET
Ok people, I entered one of my chicks who is really in his/her ugly phase, just because Crevies need a bit of attention! Can't someone else put a picture in for the contest? Poularde? Haritage Hens? where have ya been hiding? And everyone else that disappeared a while ago???


My chicks are 6 weeks old now, and one of my cockerels is really getting big! Of course I don't have anything to compare to, but he's well over a lb. Right now I have him sitting on my slouched belly, he's so soft! I really worry he'll grow up and become mean, and I want him to stay sweet! He's being so quiet! I'm trying to spend extra time with him in hopes he'll stay sweet when he's older??? I really want to keep him
He's so pretty!

Urg, I miss-placed my camera! I really want to take pictures tomorrow, they look so cute (a little dorky, but cute) They seemed to lose their furry beard and muffs, but now have black feathers growing in those spots. Can't wait till they're grown!
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Well, still no crowing, so I don't have any idea if I actually have cockerels or pullets, but I do have something! LOL Today, they all went outside in their run for the first time. They chased each other around so joyfully, it was adorable! Zipping to and fro, chasing each other

Then it got dark, and I looked at the sky and thought, oh, I better check on them and make sure they go back in the coop for the night, and when I got there, not a bird was to be seen, so I stuck my head in the coop, and there they all were, on their roost! Just like they're supposed to be! Hey, it worked!!!

Too cute and fun! I opened the "roost door" and gave them each a tickle on their belly and wished them a good night. They're going to need it 'cause it's gonna be in the 40's tonight!!! Burrr!
Well, I took some pictures this morning of my Crevies. You know, they all seem to have the same kind of crest. I either have all boys or all girls. From the side, they look like boys because it looks mohawk like, but from the front, the fan out like a fan, and look girl like! It's driving me nuts! LOL They're almost 10 weeks old (on Christmas) and I just still can't tell

These pictures are all against the sun, but when I turned the other way, they all were in too much shade, so, here's my best!


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