Crochet "Chat"

hey gals and guys, everything going good here most all of our plants are going good. we had 2 rows of beans that just never grew. and only a hand ful of okra plants that came up. but the corn and squash and strawberrys and asperagus are really taken off. well I am going to try to get on ebay again. so I shall hook ya'll later. maw.
Karan: Thank you so much for the beautiful Huge marigolds. I told u I love those! I can't wait to try the new hot peppers I got.
Those black ones are so pretty!!!!
P It is so nice to have good friends!
Good chicken crochet friends that live close are hard to come by.

I have to get my coop ready for all the kids coming Wed. 2 classes of kids coming here for field trips to see the different chickens. I can't wait!!!
Showing off the chickens. I am getting so excited. I taught school for 6 yrs. and it will be great to do a lesson again. Not that I don't do it with my daycare but I'm looking forward to "big" kids. Syd's class is coming so I'm sure she will help. We are lining up some care center visits too. Those elderly people would love to see Mabel and her friends. I actually thing that my big roo Morgan could handle a trip. He's such a good boy.
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Sounds like a fun trip Chix! Glad to see Maw & Scoot posting like normal again!! Me too, I cannot wait for that shot of energy and smiles (Skand) to show back up on the forum!! She really is popular here and seems everyone misses her! Lori needs Hippy Jimon the Mascot thread too, he can shoot a bitof life into that effort for where are they??? IN route to Maine? Thekids must be finishes with school by now...anyone called her?? Who has her number, Rocket? Can't someone check on them?

Have a great day hookers...gotta run
I do have her cell phone Number. I will PM Her Majesty with it.

Good Morning. I am on the run with last minute party planning.
Nothing like birthday bashes in the rain.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Give her our well wishes, hope they are in Maine already so they can start settling down and getting back to some normal, maybe get jobs and their new home in order...hope he doesn't have her in a cave like he teased before!!!
Clan of the Cave Skand!!

Have a great day hookers!!
Heres my 2 new babies I got from my Momma's last night...
People are saying they are EE's? The lady told moms husband they where ameraucana's, I have no idea... but they sure are cute



I named them cinnamon & sugar
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They are so cute, Jen. Little green legs and I hope they lay big green eggs for you.
They are EE's or Americana's. It's the Auracana that have no tail feathers, or at least none that stick up like these.
Because you can see the green of the legs now you know they are either easter eggers or americauna. Most people use those terms interchangeably. You know, like you say potato, I say potahto. At least that is my understanding. You can also see the little ear muffs and possibly the beards. Hope that helps.
cute babies Jen!!!

My husband and I textured one half of this wall today, that we still can't seem to get right, but at this point I don't really care anymore. I'm going to sand the rough parts and hope that helps the appearance. I don't understand why we have had so much trouble with this one wall. After the next half of this wall(it's split by a door) is done, we are done, no matter how it looks. I'm just so tired of this wall, and consequently my living room being unfinished!
<----that's pregnancy hormones

on a more positive note, I have gotten a few more blocks of my dd birthday afghan done, and I am excited to have so much progress on it. It has been a really relaxing pattern to work on. I love it!!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!!

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