Crochet "Chat"

Wow, ya'll have been busy! Okie - great pic! Getting close to time for that little boy to make his appearance. As for Spiderman, that just shows that you have kids in the house. Nothing I've not seen here! (ok, not recently, but we've had our share of stuff shoved under furniture!) Rocket, that earlier due date means we've go to get busy on the babyghans, huh? So sorry about the camera. Some people think that if it's not nailed down, it's fair game. Not long ago, our senior citizens group @ church had a meal, and someone (not someone from the church or the group) stole the donations basket from them.

I wanted to share my amigurumi graduation bears with you. We have two girls from our youth group to graduate last week, and I made these bears for them. They

Since these were for 17 year-olds, I used buttons for the eyes. The school colors are light blue & white, so I made the bears white and the diploma beige. The pattern is at the Lion Brand website. Believe it or not, they were so EASY!! So, if anyone wants to start an ami swap, I'm all for it!
Why dont YOU start the ami.. swap LC? I think that is a popular crochet area and those bears are adorable!! Go for it, I'll be your sifeline cheerleader as I care not one flip for crocheted critter making, lol! I will cheer loudly though!!

Hey, SE, How are the races going???

Finally got the kinks worked out this new car this weekend and got off the 4th place we've been stuck in..seems he has finished 4th place a hundred times, the car was a rocket, finally,this weekend and he finished an easy second, need more ponies to get the first place man and hopefully the car owners are working on increasing the horsepower with another motor this week. Keep hoping a NASCAR dirt race lover will buy up this race team, never know....thanks for asking Rocket :>)​
You would all be amazed at how easy the ami is. Just one big spiral, increasing or decreasing stitches as needed. And Lion Brand actually spells out the steps, unlike another pattern I found online.
Too bad we can't all just get together & have a huge stitch & b*! Wouldn't that be fun??
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Oh scoot I love that, I have that pattern but just have not had the time to mess with any kind of crocheting this year but I am sure when the fall hits I will have a bit more time on my hands. well I am chating with ya'll form the oral surgrey center where miss haley it having surgery on the little peices of skin that attach from your lip to your gums, haleys little skin is pulling her gum line down and is exposing the roots of her front teeth to bactira of the mouth and such causing her to have pain so they are fixing that right now. so she will be a little zombie for most of the day. well I hope to all of you have survied the storms that are rolling across the country please take care of yourselves and ya'll are doing some great work on all ya'll projects as they look great. well I will up date ya'll later. Maw
Wow! Great stuff LC and Scoot!

Good to hear from you Maw.

Congrats SE and Travis on the good racing!

Ami is not that hard. I found it easier than squares, mostly because I get horribly bored with squares.
I won't be doing the swap though, sorry. I will have enough to do with the little squirrel girl. but I will cheer right along with SE!

I have no news. DD and I are going to go kick off summer programs with getting signed up for stuff at the library. woo hoo. then we might go shopping.


Enjoy the weather. We've got rain threatening in this corner soon.
Great job LC & scoot!!

Congrats SE!

Ris sorry about the camera thing.
what a time for that to happen.

to Haley.

Unpacking still, but making headway.
Glad to hear most everybody is doing well!

Where has Chuck been keeping himself these days???

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