Crochet "Chat"

Good morning everyone, We have snow showers and there is a dusting of snow on the ground.
It may not be exciting to all of you that have to deal with snow in a big way but this is the desert and we don't get it very often. I've lived here almost 4 years and this is a first although the Sierras will have snow a lot and not much higher than we are. My dog Jada didn't like it because she went right out to do her business and then started barking to come in. Have to drive about 45 miles this morning and will drive through Red Rock Canyon (more snow) to meet my ex so he can take my Christmas gifts up to our daughter and her family in WA. My chickens don't seem to mind the weather though, as they are out in the pen eating breakfast.
Sorry about not getting back to you. Our computer decided to just totally freak on us, so my husband had to get it back up and running again. I'm in Central OK, near OKC. I have friends that live in Bartlesville....they grew up there, and then moved down here, and have moved back up there again.

I was able to put more things in my SS than I had originally thought!!!

I think there are about 5 things in there....or 9, including the set of four things I made....I should be mailing them today...or tomorrow...depends on how this day goes :hmm

.....if I can't get to the post office today...more may be going ing
I mailed it , I mailed , Well the girl at UPS store mailed it anyway.They said it would take like 5 days so Amy be looking for you pkg on wed maybe thursday they managed to put it all in one box. Let me know when you get it.
I'm so nervous I hope you like it.
Okie, yours is in the mail, priority so you should have it no later than tuesday I figure, hope you like it! JEN!!!!! I got the nicest present of hand made things I have ever gotten in my life!!!! I love the hot chocolate, the hat and scarf are darling, fit perfectly and I love them, the dishcloth is great, very nicely made, really like the yarn and the mug and absolutely ADORE!!! the spoon windchime!!! OMG that is the cutest thing ever and I can't wait to hang it on my front porch!!! You did waaaaaaaaaaay too much!!!! I am overwhelmed with your talent and generosity!!! What a sweetie!! Lucky me,thank you so very, very much, I am thrilled to death!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas and thank you again so much!!!!!!
Your windchime is hanging on my front porch, I've used the dishcloth and feel sure Iwill have to hide the hot chocolate mix from my daughter, lol!!! Thank you again Jen!!!!!! I hope Okie likes my gifts half as much!!
Well, it looks like everyone is sending their SS gifts off. It's beginning to feel like Christmas. We had a dusting of snow yesterday but today it is so foggy as the clouds are so low and it's depressing. More rain is on the way tonight and tomorrow unless the weatherman changes his mind. Just finished some online purchases and that about finishes my shopping except for DH and one of my daughters and two grandsons. Will do them next week. Have to start my dish for the potluck Christmas party at the store where DH works. I'm taking a scalloped corn casserole and some deviled eggs. Everyone have a good weekend.
I got my ss out today but after I payed the postage and gave it to the clerk and got out on my mail route I remembered 2 things I forgot to put in there.

I am going to have to send them out Monday cuz I can't stand that I left them out.

Katiesarahsmom be on the look out for a box that looks like a large pack of pampers diapers! LOL it was the only box I had that was big enough. There will be a smaller one to follow in a few days.
SE Wrote:
Your windchime is hanging on my front porch, I've used the dishcloth and feel sure I will have to hide the hot chocolate mix from my daughter, lol!!! Thank you again Jen!!!!!!

Thats makes me

Since I've made the hot chocolate mix Ds10 and I have been drinking the heck out of it and I add 2 scoops to my coffee some mornings. I've got my wind chime hanging inside my kitchen window, cause when its nice outside and we have the windows open I get to hear it... since I live in the kitchen all summer long, lol.

Ds13 had his last basketball game today and about 40 mins before we had to be there I had a idea to make me a green/white scarf (the school colors) Dont know why I didnt think of making me one before today?!
I had to finish it at the games, then I wore it
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I havent decorated any... would like to one day.
I sell eggs when I can to help pay for feed, then of course crack and cook with them, then I wash, dry, crush the shells and feed back to my chickens.

Boy she ain't lyin' either

I had a minor setback with mailing the ss today. Monday it is! It's packed up and ready to go!

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