Crochet Square Swap - Completed

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Wow Arlee! Those are beautiful but look like tooooo much work for me. I like my hookin' easy!! That's what age will do for ya!

WoW way'd go arlee, I will be that good sooooomeday!
Sorry to hear about your chick jc, thats puzzling that it just dropped dead.:aww:confused:
well I got 25 done and still hookin away I got 5 done tonight I was watching a scary movie and on the scary parts boy did I get to hookin:gig What a good movie will do for ya!
well its 12:00 something in the morning so I guess I am off to hookin in my dreams, or schemming on how to use the hubbys left over wood scraps to build another coop and run:D. night ya'll catch ya in the morning.

This thread always makes me smile!!! Happy hookers!! And Jacie, I like my hookin easy too!! That's a good idea Jess to hook during the scary parts...some movies are SO scary you could hook the whole hour, lol!! Thanks for that link Mangles..makes me REALLY appreciate Arlee's hookin skills, lol!! Ya'll have a great day and thank you so much for joining this swap!!!! Keep crankin 'em out!
I guess I am one of the ones " holding back" LOL
Things have been so crazy around here. Babies hatching everywhere, moveing chickens around to new pens, the PIG, and hooking. LOL
I have 23 squares done..I think...something like that. LOL I will try to get a few pics tonight...LOVE the Angels around the world...what talent!!
Thanks scrambled I will have them in the mail tomorrow. I am going to go sit out on the porch and watch the chickens and my 2 yr old play and hook away. Later Ya'll

Sat and hooked next to my DH last night while we watched Jericho. He kept pestering me about how complicated hooking looks. I told him the husbandly commentary was what made hookin' so hard!
He didn't get it...
Awww....thanks guys.... *blushes*

There are a few things I've learned as a child that I'm really glad I stuck with

Playing the Piano

My great Aunt taught me to crochet when I was 7 or 8 - I think just to shut me up. They were visiting us and she was making baby booties or something and I was facinated that you can take a long length of yarn and a little hook and MAKE something out of it. I don't think she thought I'd catch on so quickly, but I was making baby layette sets for extra money when I was in middle school. Looking back, I guess I was born to crochet as I've tried to teach kids that young as well as adults and what came so easy for me seems to be a challenge for others (especially reading the patterns LOL)

My mom and step mom both worked to teach me to sew. My step mom jokes that she wasn't sure she'd be around long after she had to tell me that my sewing skills weren't exactly 'professional' but she was glad I took her correction well and went on to learn how to cut patterns the RIGHT way.

I took piano lessons from 2nd grade up until graduation from high school - so glad I stuck with lessons, even though I wasn't always the most diligent student - I can sit down and play now, and play some for church, etc.

Anyway, I'm starting to think I should have picked a QUICKER pattern since we are approaching April quite quickly. On a good note, I do have 2 almost 3 finished now...
That is just the most beautiful pattern. When I get through the "required" squares, I will try it!!

Fascinating how we have a born talent in us, isn't it? Every picture of me from birth on has a horse in it. At 2, they put me on a pony, and thought it "ran away" with me (a pony ride on a small track), but I cried to make them let me do it again!!

My mother was a great seamstress, and tried to teach me, but I wanted to be outside with a horse. She made a lot of my riding jackets, and one I still wear!! When people compliment me on my jacket, I say, "Thanks, my Mother made it!!". Then DH says, "Tell them when"....

Got 30 squares done!! They are NOT fancy!

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