Crooked Face?


11 Years
May 8, 2011
Olive Branch, MS
One of my Cayuga/black Swedish duckling's face is changing shape. He was one of the first to hatch and he looked perfect. As they are getting older, this one bill appears to be turning to its right and is bigger than the others. I'm also starting to wonder about its eye sight. Hope these pics will show it good. Hard to take a pic of skiddish ducklings. Any ideas?

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I cannot really tell much from the photo.

Haven't seen this before. Some thoughts are, could be vitamin deficiency. Some ducklings are more sensitive than others to this, like folks with food allergies. What are they eating?

Could he have gotten his face wedged somewhere for a while?

There could be some sort of genetic thing going on - is there an avian or waterfowl vet somewhere near you?

Could be hormonal - again, perhaps a genetic condition.

I need to sign off for a while - see if this page gives you some ideas, things to try.

If it were me, if I could not find a vet, or until I could, I would give poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics, grinding up a little cat kibble with lots of Vitamin D in it, giving a teaspoon of that a day, and see if that helps.
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Don't know what's wrong but if he seems well and not in distress he would be great for educating kids they would be drawn to him, her like a magnet

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