Crooked leg? PICS ADDED Update: He'S STANDING!!

i hate to say it but you should cull it. With it dragging its chest it could develop sores and also it may not be able to roost or lay eggs correctly or mate a hen (if its a roo).

This is how his legs hang naturally, if picked up.

You can see his right foot behind his left hock
From behind - left leg normal, right leg - ?? -
I don't think the hobbles made much difference (he's worn them for about 16hrs now...

From looking at your pictures, it is almost identical to my turkey. Sadly I reached the conclusion that even if by some miracle it were to straighten out now, that it would not support weight of a fully grown or even a juvenile bird.
sorry, but there is no fix for that... you can try, but it's just going to put the birdie in more pain... i would cull...

i'm sure you will do the right decision in your case... good luck and be strong...
I have a chick that is going through something like this. ODDLY.. it looks in coloring JUST like this chick. I believe this chicks legs have slipped the tendons. I don't think any chicks I put in the brooder were having leg issues and now this on is.

I made a thread for mine

I would really want to know the best way to cull a bird in the event I need to. This is my first hatch so I am totally new.

Thanks for the help
Look to the top of my thread - my little girl turned out just fine!

In her case, the tendon wasn't slipped (no heat, no swelling) came right out of the egg like that.

She couldn't get around at all - scooted on her belly, but was VERY determined!

I supplemented her crumble with liquid vitamins and yogurt.
I also used the "hobbles"
Took about a week for her to start looking better.

Her legs are now Perfect!

As for culling, that is my SO's job...
Good luck!
Thanks!! Yes I found this site last night and was up until 330 this morning fashioning braces and a chick chair. I had to re-do it all over again this morning with some help because he slipped out of the chair and got one of the braces off. Strong little guy that is just fighting fighting.. I really want him to make it.

Here he is in his chair

I have this happen quite often since I hatch such large numbers of chicks. Most people Just cull the chicks But I build Splints and even fix curled toes. I hand feed and water them. the only difference is I put them in grow out pens and eat them later. as this is not a quality you want to breed from. I got one right now who was born with his legs split to his sides 6 days later he has developed strenght and is walking now on his own keeping up with the rest of the chicks
Well that's encouraging
I am not looking to breed, just have eggs for food. I am sure if SHE (crossing fingers) does well, it wouldn't affect the eggs right?
Wow! Great job on her chair!
It is like the man-captain-chair with all the food and water easily reached!

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