Crop bound help. is this a good sign..


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 12, 2014
Hi. My girl (pecky chan) has had what appears to be a blocked crop. She has been very quiet and subdued. I've brought her in doors for the past couple of days and give her a minimum water and food. She's not really eating the food but drinking well still. I've just started feeding her a bit of veg oil this morning. I gave her a massage and soon after had these two poops. The first one was the watery one but the second is the most solid one I've seen her produce yet, I can see bits of grass in it too. Is this a good sign? Should I keep her inside and keep feeding her oil and massaging her crop? Is there anything else I should/could be doing to help her.

Thank you, James.
Sorry about your girl not feeling well. Love the name by the way. I haven't heard of this before so I'm going to stick around and learn about it in case that happens to mine. Good luck with your chickie! Hope she gets better soon.
Thank you so much, it hurts to see her this way, its making me sad seeing her sad!
Thank you so much, it hurts to see her this way, its making me sad seeing her sad!

My chickens have gotten a second round of Coccidiosis and one top of that a respiratory infection. I have just 1 chicken out of 28 that is truly sick. He's getting better but I hate to see him sick as well. I had one chicken last month really sick with Coccidiosis and it broke my heart to see her that way. Thankfully she's better now and didn't catch the Coccidiosis again.
I'm hoping to get some good advice and maybe someone to look at her and hopefully she is better soon

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