Cross Beak Silkie chick making funny noises... updated with pics 6/15

I have a crossed-beak silkie roo and it hasn't affected him at all.
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I am new to having chickens, we started with just one hen and it turned out that a roo up the street liked her... So now we have a bunch of little chickies! Long story short, we noticed that two of the babies were especially enthusiastic about getting fed but they wouldn't let us near enough to catch them. We noticed after a couple of weeks that their beaks were totally crooked! I had no idea what this was about until finding this website, and I am so grateful for all of the advice.

I did not have the heart to get rid of them, even though their beaks are extremely crossed. Honestly, about 45 degrees.

We managed to catch the two of them and they are now about a month old. They have become my little babies and my family is now calling me the chicken whisperer because they follow me everywhere!
I love them to death but I know that they are much smaller than their siblings, and being new to chickens all together I am concerned about what I can feed them and whether there are some things I absolutely should NOT do. (I have a few rabbits and know that their diets are very specific).

I have been feeding them the starter feed for chicks and mixing it with water like many other people have said they do. I have also been giving them all natural applesauce with some of the powder added in for more protein. I was wondering if feeding them baby food is an option? Also, I know they are getting older, will I be able to continue feeding them the starter powder or will their diet need to change?

Also, they have hardly ever been outside...did I hear something about adding grit? I know they couldn't pick up any dirt or pebbles on their own.

Sorry for such a long post! I really appreciate all the help!
I bought five bearded silkie chicks. I just noticed yesterday that one of them has this cross beak and wondering if this is a genetic problems and if there is anything I can do to correct it. If anyone has any answers, please let me know. I was wondering if she could eat alright. She plays and is doing well otherwise. Is this something that will get worse as she gets older?
I had a special chick hatch out last month only one I eye formed the other is like half closed clear looking and a very bad crossed beak like urs I was worried about him but knew nothin I could really do so I but him in the brooder with the others and waited to see if it dies or lives today he's the most spirited chick I got always trying to jump in my arms when I open the door he doesn't let he's deformities get him down he's a lil fighter lol named him popeye cuz of the one eye lol

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