Cross beak silkie worsening


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Ok guys so we have 6 silkie chicks and one was showing sings of cross beak by week one now they're over 4 weeks and the last Week it's worsend considerably. I'm worrying about the baby eating as the beak length is normal on both ends but crossed so she can't properly open it as much as she should and to splayed to properly hold food. We've been trying to hold it lined up for ten minutes a day but it obviously hurts when we do and it doesn't appear to be changing anything. Is there any way to properly fix a splayed cross beak or a for sure way to prevent worsening?


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In my experience it only worsens. Providing moistened feed in a deep dish can sometimes help the bird eat, but it will be a lifetime of constant care and attention. Good luck.

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