Cross Breed Questions


13 Years
Jul 3, 2008
Florence. South Carolina
Does anyone know if there are any official or unoffical hybrid names for crossing the following hens with a Rhode Island Red Rooster?

White Rock, Black Australorp, Silver Laced Wyandotte, or Partridge Rock.

I can say they make pretty chicks as I recently hatched some and was curious if they actually had a hybrid name. I am sure they will make good brown egg layers.

Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated!
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According to the chart that I have an S.L.W. hen and a RIR Roo makes a Cinnamon Queen. An Austrolorp and a RIR Roo makes a Black Cross. A White Rock and a RIR Roo makes a Red Star. Don't have anything for a Partridge Rock. The Cinnamon Queen and the Red Stars are both sex-link where the pullet chicks will be reddish and the cockeral chicks will be white. Different variations can also be used to get the same result. Such as you can use a New Hampshire Roo in place of the RIR.
Great thank you so much! Can you email me the chart you mentioned?

Cinnoman Queen and Red Star are great egg layers and that is what I wanted. Good news Thanks again!
"Brown Sex Links are a breed cross using Rhode Island Red males and silver factor White Rock females." According to Ideal Hatchery.

Ideal says that Red Sex Links have Delaware mothers but that may be a little too restrictive. Feathersite says, "Red Sex-Links are the result of various crosses." So that should be your Rhode Island Red x White Rock, offspring.

Other crosses are probably not considered named hybrids and not sex links, RIR sire and Australorp dam wouldn't result in any sex linked traits, I don't think.

. . . just some thoughts


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