Crossbeak chick


Jan 18, 2021
Central Missouri
I ordered chicks from a hatchery hatch date 5-23-22. This is a frizzle EE. Her beak was barely noticeable on the first day but it quickly got worse. I’ve been checking her crop and it has been full until lately. I don’t know if it is because her beak is worse of if because I moved all the chicks to a bigger grow out coop and she is confused with the bigger area. I used a rocker feeder in the brooder. I thought maybe the change in feeders was the cause so I’ve put the same feeder in the intermediate coop for her. I brought her home and put a brown of food down and she ate vigorously. I’m sure she was hungry. I also tried oatmeal. She tried it but seems to prefer her grower crumbles.
I have never had a Crossbeak. I’ve read articles and watched YouTube videos. I’m at a loss of what else to do for her.
She is already a mama’s girl. I want to help her thrive. Thank you!


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As long as she can eat, drink and is doing so well she SHOULD be OK. You could try some nutra-drench and electrolytes in the water but unfortunately she will never be "normal" but as I said as long as she is Eating normally and as much as everyone else her age and drinking good she should be fine
I have a cross beak, not as severe as yours but severe. She can’t eat dry food unless its on a soft surface like dirt. she can’t zero in on bugs or treats. She can drink but needs a bowl or cups. I give her wet mash in the morning (consistency of moist cat food) and fermented feed in the evening before roost time. she also forages in compost every evening. She is 10 wks old, not to her breed standard weight but seems content.
Maybe try mash.
Feeding her wet mash in a deep bowl and offering water in a similar bowl should help her get enough to eat and drink for now. Also be aware she'll have difficulty grooming herself so you may need to help with that. But I would also start to consider what you are/aren't willing to do if it worsens to the point where she cannot do either without aid (i.e. tube feeding).
I have a cross beak, not as severe as yours but severe. She can’t eat dry food unless its on a soft surface like dirt. she can’t zero in on bugs or treats. She can drink but needs a bowl or cups. I give her wet mash in the morning (consistency of moist cat food) and fermented feed in the evening before roost time. she also forages in compost every evening. She is 10 wks old, not to her breed standard weight but seems content.
Maybe try mash.
ThNk you!
As long as she can eat, drink and is doing so well she SHOULD be OK. You could try some nutra-drench and electrolytes in the water but unfortunately she will never be "normal" but as I said as long as she is Eating normally and as much as everyone else her age and drinking good she should be fine
As long as she can eat, drink and is doing so well she SHOULD be OK. You could try some nutra-drench and electrolytes in the water but unfortunately she will never be "normal" but as I said as long as she is Eating normally and as much as everyone else her age and drinking good she should be fine
Thank you!
Feeding her wet mash in a deep bowl and offering water in a similar bowl should help her get enough to eat and drink for now. Also be aware she'll have difficulty grooming herself so you may need to help with that. But I would also start to consider what you are/aren't willing to do if it worsens to the point where she cannot do either without aid (i.e. tube feeding).
I understand. My husband and I have had that conversation too. Thank you!

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