Crossbred Egg Machines - Which are your faves?


14 Years
Mar 22, 2009
Southern Wisconsin
I like my purebreds, but who doesn't love a good mutt breed? I grew up with Sunnyside Hatchery's "Special Browns" and "Special Blacks." These two have to be my favorites. These aren't sex links (the roosters are brown or black like the hens) but they laid the biggest brown eggs I have ever seen (at least one double-yolker every week

Which "mutt" is your favorite? If you know the mix, tell us about it! Pictures are always welcome!
I have white leghorn/jersey giant and rir/jersey giant crosses. All are super layers......rir crosses lay brown eggs, wl crosses lay cream/tan eggs. Every day, lots of eggs. My white leghorn purebred hens still outlay them....but they all outlay my rir hens.
The only crosses I have right now (2-doz barnyard mutts in bator) are my red sex links. I got them at the feed store and don't know what the exact cross is but I love them. They started laying early, lay nearly every day, and are the friendliest of all my hens. I don't know how many times I've stepped on the poor things because they're always underfoot when I'm working in the barn or out in the field.

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